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The Power of Being Unstoppable: An Exclusive with Terrance Leftridge

( ENSPIRE Man Code 101 ) Life and Accountability Coach, Terrance Leftridge, Talks About His Passion for Helping Others

ENSPIRE Contributor: Janelle Harris

Terrance Leftridge is a life and accountability coach who truly embraces his career and his passion for motivating, empowering, and helping others. He sees it as his mission and purpose to use his voice to share a message of hope for others, to inspire them to walk proudly in their purpose and to not be stopped by the circumstances of life. This unique perspective and his magnetic personality are only two things that make Leftridge #UnStopAble. Join us to learn even more about Leftridge and his work as a certified life coach in this ENSPIRE exclusive

He is also the founder of UNSTOPPABLE Coaching Services Inc. where the #1 goal is to help clients focus on what they’re able to do and less on what is stopping them. Terrance is able to provide this service by partnering with clients on their journey of creating, implementing, and achieving their visions.

How did you come up with the name Unstoppable for your business?

A: If you haven’t already figured out, I’m a little different so I don’t spell “unstoppable” like everyone else. I spell it “Un Stop Able” because it’s three words in one. When we think of the first word—un—we focus on things that are not happening in our lives. Most people see the second word—stop—and feel it smack them in their face because they’re focused on the things that are stopping them. But it’s the third word—able—that I help my clients focus on. You’re able to do more than you ever thought possible. When you focus more on what you’re able to do than on what’s stopping you, you become #UnStopABLE.

What is the art of quality coaching?

A: I’ve worked with men and women transitioning from traditional jobs to launching successful careers as entrepreneurs. Working with this population requires finesse and patience. These people are usually transitioning in their later years and have packed a lot of ideas, values, beliefs, and misgivings into their lifetime that brings additional challenges. A quality coach must be able to meet the client “where they are” mentally and emotionally to successfully help them navigate change and learn to operate in an environment that can be entirely out of their comfort zone. 

I teach my clients how to be better marketers and networkers, and how to build stronger relationships that lead to greater exposure and more sales. I walk alongside them as they pull themselves out of the frames of their lives into a new picture of what their future can be. Throughout my professional career as a coach, my passion for encouraging and motivating people to move to the next level of their greatness has grown exponentially.

Tell us about some of your greatest accomplishments.

A: As a coach, I love seeing the “ah ha” moments my clients attain after I’ve gotten them to focus on asking the right questions instead of trying to find the right answers. I love seeing the lightbulb come on when they’re able to chart a new course for their life, business, or career. I recently talked to a former client who mentioned how I always told her she was more than a single mother and a receptionist in a property management office. I suggested that she stop playing small and pursue a career in property management. In our recent conversation, she told me that she went back to school, earned her advanced degree, and is now a property manager for a 400+ unit multifamily apartment complex. She told me how many times she wanted to call and thank me for encouraging and motivating her to “keep being UnStopABLE.”

What advice would you give someone who would like to mirror your success?

A: For anyone looking to get into the coaching business, be clear on what a coach does and does not do. We do not do the work; we help clients plan the work. I am a specific type of coach known as an accountability coach. The Bible says that we will all have to give an account of the time we had on this earth. By definition, accountability is the ability to give an account. As your coach, my job is to help you increase your ability to do what you say you will do and be the person you were created to be. Then, you’ll no longer have a problem of giving an account for the work you’ve done and the life you’ve lived.

What sense of purpose do you draw from your culture or community?

A: Let me say this, I love being a black man. I am the descendant of kings, queens, noble leaders, and now presidents. Our heritage is long and storied. Because of that, I walk with my head high as I speak about my blackness and share my talents, gifts, and abilities, many of which are not attributed to black men. Furthermore, I see it as my purpose and mission to use my voice to share a message of hope for others who look like me and for others who don’t. I want to do my part to live up and train up our community so that they too can walk in purpose with their heads held high. 

There’s no question about Terrance’s dedication to his clients as a life and accountability coach, desperate to help people achieve their greatest aspirations. For Terrance, his life’s mission is to inspire his clients and those around him to know that anything is possible as he says, “We all have the ability inside us to not be stopped by the circumstances in life. That’s what truly makes us #UnStopAble.” So, what’s keeping you from being unstoppable?

To learn more or to reach Terrance about your path to becoming unstoppable, visit Unstoppable Coaching at

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