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Reka Robinson Empowering Women With “Single You” Academy And Podcast

( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Reka Robinson Coaches Women on Building Self-Confidence and Feeling Empowered.

ENSPIRE Contributor: Elizabeth Casillas

Radio personality and life coach, Reka Robinson has made leaps towards women empowerment. She provides advice on being single; specific advice to women on how to understand their value as single women and avoid the pitfalls of dating the wrong men. Society’s viewpoint on single women is oftentimes negative, and it leaves women wondering whether they are doing something wrong or missing an attribute. This thought process is what once led Robinson to a mentally and psychologically abusive relationship. After having gone through this, she has used her platform to have open discussions and raise awareness about these issues.

Robinson started the “Single You” Academy to help women learn their value without a partner. Robinson understands that as a young single woman the main questions asked to revolve around a partner and kids. This is part of the reason why she kept trying to make it work with her abusive ex; she felt she needed to have him around to feel successful in all aspects of her life. “Single You” Academy focuses on empowering women through the connections formed. Having a solid connection between Robinson and clients allows clients to feel supported and valued and they end up growing from that connection.

Apart from the Single You Academy, Robinson serves as a “Single Girl Life Coach” on her Single You Podcast as well. The podcast goes over similar topics touching upon self-worth and self-confidence. Robinson hopes her podcast makes it clear to listeners that singleness is not a punishment. Every woman is worthy with, or without, a relationship. One specific episode Robinson recommends for her viewers is episode 19, “What I Wish the Church Taught Single Women.” 

Robinson also has an upcoming book release titled “Sis, Don’t Date That Guy.” A book that goes over similar topics from her academy and podcast. This book is set to be released in 2021, and Robinson hopes this book can help women avoid the relationship and societal pitfalls that they fell into. Her experience dealing with gaslighting and love bombing gives her an insider’s view on these difficult moments. She understands how a woman’s identity can be so tied into her partner and how difficult it can be to undo that.

Clients going through her academy have found a strong support system with Robinson. As a “Single Girl Life Coach” she has counseled her clients through anxiety and depression. This is something important to Robinson and she considers this her purpose. To be a light for women, and to use herself as an example to encourage and spread positivity. Find more information on Robinson’s website at, and by following her on Instagram @justmereka.

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