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Lisa D. Adams Starts Self-Love and Motivation Academy During COVID-19

( ENSPIRE She Did That ) CEO of The Lisa Adams Group Lisa D. Adams Provides Sessions for Parents in Self-Love Motivation Academy During COVID-19 Pandemic

ENSPIRE Contributor: Octavia Johnson

During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents felt the effects of finding child-care, closing of schools, working virtually, and losing jobs because of companies closing. Juggling these effects can affect current and upcoming parents’ mental health drastically. Author, actress, filmmaker, leader, teacher, mentor, philanthropist, and self-love inspirational coach Lisa D. Adams endured her challenges with loneliness, sickness, depression, and the need for validation. She established The Lisa Adams Group and teaches life lessons to women, from different age groups.

Adams started sessions in the Self-Love and Motivation Academy for parents who need to implement more self-care and compassion to help with adjusting to parenting during the pandemic. Her sessions comprise helping people during the pandemic changes because everyone needs some advice on how to push through the unprecedented circumstances. Please see ENSPIRE’s interview with Adams on her Self-Love and Motivation Academy sessions during the pandemic. 

What made you want to focus on parents who are adjusting to changes during the pandemic?

COVID-19 took us all by storm. The adjustments and stresses of the pandemic are and were far more catastrophic than expected. Parents found themselves struggling to find sitters for their children. Most parents had to learn how to balance their work schedules with that of their children who are now being virtually schooled.

My concern for the parent was the feeling of being overwhelmed with additional responsibilities due to this new way of life. This unwarranted pandemic came with added worries and expenses to some families who were already struggling to make ends meet.

Have you spoken to any parents (or soon-to-be parents)? What did you learn from the parents about their experiences during the pandemic?

I have spoken to parents who found themselves feeling depressed. Those feelings stemmed from being forced to stay in the house, explaining to their children why they were not able to visit loved ones and becoming the overseer during virtual school. The parents I have spoken to had no clue of how to calculate the new methods of math. It made them feel inferior.

Describe the founding of The Self-Love and Motivation Academy.

Self-Love and Motivation Academy was created for the person that is ready to reignite their fire. They have gone through some major difficulties, which resulted in low self-esteem and the need to learn how to love themselves. I recognize that person because that used to be me. I did not like who I had become and intentionally resuscitated my life.

Do you have any current sessions for the parents in The Self-Love and Motivation Academy? 

“Embracing Forced Growth” and “If Loving Me is Wrong Than I Do Not Want to be Right” are two classes that will be beneficial for parents. However, I am offering two new classes in April titled “Experience is a Great Teacher” and “Accepting the Truth.” Both classes will benefit parents and the relationships they have with their children.

How have the sessions helped the parents to adjust to parenting during the pandemic? 

The response from some of my clients states the classes have caused them to think differently. As a result, there has been a change in their behavior.

Since the pandemic is continuing a year later, are you planning on continuing for future sessions that parents can attend? 

Parenting is one of the most difficult roles one can have and continuous support is needed. Yes, I will continue to support parents by offering classes, webinars, and support groups. Presently, I host a group called Parents with Sons on Facebook. This is a group focused on uplifting one another, discussing plans for improvement, prayer, and celebrating victories.

Please provide any additional information. 

In August, of this year, season one of “Help Me Help My Son the Ongoing Conversation” will debut. This is a 13 week series of questions, answers, and support as it relates to our sons.

About Self-Love and Motivation Academy 

A premiere online academy that provides easy to follow training for individuals who desire to resuscitate their lives. Sessions of Self-Love and Motivation Academy provides understandable instructions and a call to action. “We are ready to help you, if you are ready to help yourself.” 

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