( ENSPIRE Beauty, Health and Wellness ) Dr. Angelina Postoev, “Dr. Runway”, Takes Skincare Beyond the Physical wir Ori Or
ENSPIRE Contributor: Yasmin Hassan
Dr. Angelina Postoev, dubbed Dr. Runway, is an American Board of Surgery and the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery triple board-certified surgeon. As the founder of Ori-Or Skincare, an investor in many surgery clinics linked to her, and a surgical educator, she epitomizes the term entrepreneur. Dr. Postoev worked hard for over a decade to gather the experience she needed to deliver the best results and advantages to her patients precisely. As a result, Dr. Postoev not only aids and advises people from all over the country, but she also serves as an inspiration and motivator for women in healthcare, business, and even those who are hesitant to take the first step toward their dreams.
Ori Or Medical skincare by Dr. Postoev has plant-based components and peptides that delight our skin by improving and entirely transforming it. Of course, you can’t ask for much more than a youthful, radiant complexion, but Dr. Postoev goes above and beyond with Ori Or. She takes your body’s experience, whether it’s back pain or low energy, and curates strategies to support you. Her mission is to help you understand your body and teach you how to take care of it in the future. Her labor, however, does not end there.

How do you build a level of trust with the patient, aka allow them to be confident within a session?
I treat my patients like I would my family. I get to know them, and I will often talk them out of surgery. For example, I get patients who ask me if I think they need their breasts done, and I can easily talk them out of the procedure since, in my opinion, they have normal breasts. They know I am not going to recommend unnecessary procedures. Also, many patients come in by recommendation of other happy clients, and they trust me before we start.
Why do you believe it’s essential to form a positive relationship with our skin and body?
Body positivity is not just a word; it’s a lifestyle. How we look and feel plays a significant part in our self-esteem and how the world sees us. So having a great relationship with your skin and body helps you thrive when you look good and feel great! I encourage my patients to appear youthful but also to feel young inside.
With cosmetic surgery being so prominent in society today, would you say it’s because women and men want to feel confident?
There are two categories of patients: one category that wants to feel more confident, and another is already confident and gets surgery to improve and refresh themselves. But confidence is a determining factor.
What inspired you to build a skincare line?
As a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, I work with different skin types and understand skin and healing on a molecular level. I combined my medical knowledge with my surgical skills and created the best products for even the most sensitive skin types. It again ties into the looking good and feeling great philosophy I mentioned earlier.
Did you notice a shift in people’s awareness of taking care of their skin during the pandemic?
From wearing masks to overindulging in carbs, gaining weight, sitting at home, and stress, all have affected our skin, and people have noticed! Finally, people started to pay attention to their skin, and Zoom calls are primarily to thank for that. The pandemic gave most of us a reality check on what we were NOT doing to take care of our skin.
From your experience, how important is someone’s mental health when choosing to do any weight loss surgery?
Mental Health is essential for weight loss and cosmetic surgery. Our job as providers is to make sure that surgery is used for the right reasons and that a patient does not have an eating disorder or other body dysmorphic disorders. Often we have patients obtain clearance from psychiatric doctors to ensure the patients are prepared and understand the consequences.
Do you have any suggestions for patients to prepare themselves for these types of decisions mentally?
Deciding to change your body for your health and well-being isn’t as easy as just deciding that you need to see a doctor. So the advice I would give is to do your research. The hardest part of mental preparation for a patient is acceptance. We help to counsel the patient to make sure their expectations are real and obtainable. Once the patient is here, we will walk them through the process and help to prepare. So I would always recommend that our patients educate themselves. We provide a lot of information on our websites and videos, so patients can understand the processes and make the best decisions for them.

Dr. Postoev’s lifelong objective is to assist women and men in making the best choices for their bodies and skin. Her approach enables people to form a mindful and loving relationship with themselves. We all have access to this developing connection to our bodies and skins, but it is up to us to approach it with conviction.
Visit Dr. Postoev’s Website for more information on Ori Or Skincare: www.surgicarearts.com/shop www.idealbodyinstitute.com
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