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How to Get Organized and Achieve Your Goals with Saria-Hawkins Banda

( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Stationery Brand, Manifest Your Purpose, Will Help you get Organized, Plan Effectively, and Operate in Excellence

ENSPIRE Contributor: Kaitlyn Cruz

Become productive in style, with chic, functional stationery. We all have responsibilities, whether you’re in college, working, or just a busy person, the stationery brand, Manifest Your Purpose has got you covered. Featuring an array of aesthetic planners, checklists, and products with positive affirmations, Manifest Your Purpose will help you get organized with an extra dose of positivity. These tools will help you stay accountable while working towards your goals.

Founder and CEO, Saria Hawkins-Banda founded Manifest Your Purpose to help women to get organized and effectively plan for their goals. Saria is no exception to a busy lifestyle, being a dedicated wife and mom of two while simultaneously running her fast-growing business. Powered by faith and driven by purpose, Saria hopes to inspire women and give them something that represents them. What better way to boost motivation than having aesthetic stationery? Saria hopes to teach others how to plan with purpose and clarity.

Saria’s brand is more than a stationery brand but serves a greater purpose. She is adamant about creating products that inspire others through the use of positive affirmations such as, “Progress over perfection”, “Bloom where you’re planted”, and “Self-care ain’t selfish”. She also created the brand with some #BlackGirlMagic, that reflects not just her own identity, but those of millions of others. Saria desired to celebrate the multidimensionality of Black women, who often have not been represented in the stationery space, allowing them to be reflected in the everyday products they use. This brand is made to inspire you to fulfill your God-given purposes through effective planning and individual empowerment.

ENSPIRE spoke with Saria about her journey in creating the brand, her upbringing, and what Manifest Your Purpose is truly about. Below, she also gives some tips on how to stay productive effectively when managing a busy lifestyle, all while maintaining self-care and mental health.

What sparked your interest in creating a stationery brand? What steps did you take to make your ideas a reality?

I’ve always been a stationery nerd! As a young girl, I used to write to do lists for my parents and organize their paperwork! When I knew I wanted to start my business, I prayed and asked God to guide me to the right people and the right resources. And the rest is history!

Could you speak more about your faith, background, and upbringing? How has that impacted where you are now?

I am a very proud PK (preacher’s kid) and my faith in God has literally influenced everything I’ve done in life. I make no decision or move without first consulting God and it’s never steered me wrong! In fact, God told me to start Manifest Your Purpose. He revealed it to me in a series of dreams and that’s how I knew it was real!

What is the meaning behind the name ‘Manifest Your Purpose’? 

Manifest Your Purpose is so much more than a stationery company. It’s about combining small meaningful actions with consistency day by day to help you reach your goals. I strongly believe that if we use the time that God gives us wisely, He will reward us. Thus, manifesting our purpose in life!

What personal role do you think people have in accomplishing what they’ve envisioned for themselves versus factors that are outside of their control?

This is a great question! No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’ve most likely faced some type of opposition. However, I strongly believe in the power of speaking over your life and backing those words up with substantive action. If you can conceive an idea, you can truly achieve it. I think what prevents a lot of people from accomplishing their goals is the incorrect assumption that things will be easy or without opposition. Anything worthwhile will require fortitude and persistence. Most of the success I’ve experienced is simply because I didn’t quit when things got hard!

Could you talk more about being featured in Essence Magazine? What was that like for you and what was the feature about?

It was a dream come true! I put this on my vision board for 2023 and to see it happen made me feel like I’m out here Manifesting my Purpose!!! The article was about Lucky Girl Syndrome which is another phrase for manifestation. I discussed what manifestation meant to me and how I’ve incorporated that concept into my company!

How do you manage being both a mom of two and an entrepreneur? How do you multitask while maintaining mental health and clarity?

It’s hard! Really hard. But I’ve become a master compartmentalizer. When I’m working, I’m 100% focused on work. However, when I’m with my family, I’m 100% focused on them. I’ve had to learn how to constantly assess my priorities to maintain my mental health. On some days, my family takes priority over my business. For others, my business has to come first. As long as I’m there when it matters most for each area of my life, I’m ok with that!

What are some top tips you have to stay productive?

WRITE IT DOWN AND MAKE IT PLAIN! It’s scientifically proven that when you write things down, you’re more likely to remember them. I love doing a big brain dump on Sunday afternoons. I write down all of my priorities both big and small from work tasks, to doctor’s appointments to everything in between. Then, I transfer that brain dump to my planner and plan out each day that week. This helps to get my week started off with a bang because I already have a game plan! 

How do you hope Manifest Your Purpose will inspire others or make a difference in others’ lives? What is its mission and purpose?

At MYP, our mission is to unapologetically celebrate the beauty and multidimensionality of Black women by allowing them to see themselves reflected in the stationery products they use every day. Our main goal is to create a safe space for Black women that allows them to feel seen, heard, and celebrated. Moreover, if you agree with our mission and are an ally for Black women, this company should serve as a safe space for you too!

Manifest Your Purpose is designed to help you to live out your God-given purpose. If you have a dream, a goal, a passion, or a talent, it takes practical and actionable steps to make those things a reality. Manifest Your Purpose is a brand that is a prime example of this, catered to helping you do so. Small steps you take towards your goals every day can have a compounded effect until eventually you are walking in what you set out to do! This is how you Manifest Your Purpose, changing the course of your future through faith, action, and effective planning and clarity.

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