Reparations for Tulsa Race Massacre: Upholding a Legacy and Inspiring Action


( ENSPIRE News ) Justice Delayed: Honoring the Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors’ Fight for Reparations

The fight for reparations for the survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre continues. In a recent, heartbreaking decision, the Oklahoma Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit seeking reparations for the last remaining survivors and descendants of the 1921 Black Wall Street tragedy. While this setback stings deeply, the spirit of resilience that defines these survivors and their families burns ever brighter.

ENSPIRE stands in solidarity with the Tulsa Race Massacre survivors and their descendants. This wasn’t just a historical event; it was a horrific act of racial violence that unfolded over two days on May 31st and June 1st, 1921. A white mob descended upon Greenwood, a thriving Black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, known as “Black Wall Street.” Fueled by racial hatred, they destroyed homes and businesses, with estimates suggesting over 1,000 homes and businesses were burned to the ground. The official death toll remains controversial, but it’s believed to be in the hundreds.

Mother Viola Ford Fletcher and Attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons | Photo by Nehemiah D. Frank

Only a handful of survivors remain, some in their late 100s. This isn’t their first attempt at seeking justice. They’ve been fighting for reparations for decades, a stark reminder of the glacial pace of progress with racial reconciliation. The fight for reparations for the Tulsa Race Massacre is a fight for healing and accountability.

For those of you who are thinking this case is just about money or making White people today pay for their ancestors’ crimes, you are woefully mistaken. Pursuing justice for the victims, survivors, and descendants is about holding local governments and corrupt institutions accountable. These governments in the 1920s knowingly and proudly harbored Klansmen, facilitating the massacre. Reparations are more than just monetary compensation.

They are a recognition of the systemic racism that enabled this atrocity. They are a commitment to rebuilding and empowering the Black community in Greenwood. They are a step towards healing a deep wound that continues to fester.

The fact that living descendants, eyewitnesses to this horrific event, have had to fight for acknowledgment so many times is deeply concerning. Denial of this documented atrocity only serves to marginalize the Black community further and prevent true healing. This is precisely why we must stand with the remaining survivors and ensure their fight catalyzes meaningful change. The fight for justice for the Tulsa Race Massacre survivors isn’t over – stand with us and help ensure their voices are heard!

Here’s how you can help keep the fight alive:

  • Educate Yourself and Others: Knowledge is power. Research the Tulsa Race Massacre and share its story on social media. Encourage conversations about racial injustice and the importance of reparations.
  • Support Advocacy Organizations:

These organizations are dedicated to securing reparations for survivors and descendants while also providing crucial reporting on the ongoing fight. Donate your time or resources to these worthy causes.

  • Demand Action: Contact your local and state representatives. Urge them to support legislation that addresses historical injustices like the Tulsa Race Massacre.

Together, we can create a future where stories of resilience and justice resonate louder than narratives of hate and violence. Let’s honor the Tulsa Race Massacre survivors by ensuring their fight for justice lives on.

Additional Resources:

Silence in the face of such injustice is unacceptable. We must amplify the voices of those demanding accountability and ensure this story isn’t relegated to dusty history books.

Related Articles: Black Owned Media Weekend 2023 in Tulsa, Fixins Soul Kitchen, Now in Tulsa, Oklahoma