( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Businesswoman April Mason Helps Women Across the World Reinvent Themselves
ENSPIRE Contributor: Natalie Dean
As the president and founder of her own enterprise, a feminine lifestyle strategist, an entrepreneur, a former dating coach, and a social media personality, April Mason has done it all. You may already know her from her online courses, “April in Demand,” the “All Things Feminine Social Club,” or her upcoming “28 Days to Self-Love Challenge.” Mason has been working to empower and enlighten women for years now and has ample experience in offering advice in dating, love, femininity, and more.
In her recently released sophomore book, Identity Switch: Becoming the Woman Who Gets What She Wants, April Mason spills the secrets to becoming the woman you always wanted to be. Using her years of experience working and strategizing with many women from all sorts of backgrounds and circumstances, Mason breaks down the ways through which her readers can become women who get exactly what they want.

ENSPIRE spoke with April Mason about her new release.
What was the biggest challenge you faced when writing or publishing your book?
Not oversharing or overwhelming the reader. When guiding others through an identity switch, you want to keep the steps as simple as possible. This will ensure that it does not overwhelm them to the point they forgo the process.
As a lifestyle strategist, founder, and president of your own enterprise, bestselling author, and more, how do you find work-life balance?
I am not a businesswoman; I am a woman in business. This means I am a woman first and everything else comes second. I have set up my businesses around my lifestyle, not my lifestyle around my business. So there is no issue with having a work-life balance when you set up your business with you in mind.
What has been the most important lesson you have learned in any of your careers?
To do business like a Feminine CEO. She doesn’t hustle, grind, or feel the need to be a “boss chick,” be strong and handle it all. We live balanced lives, put ourselves first, ask for help, get our rest, and attract money, not chase it.
What makes Identity Switch unique compared to other self-help or motivational books?
Identity Switch shows the reader that they have the power to create whatever life they desire. It teaches them that their current results are a byproduct of their existing identity, and whenever they’re ready for a new life, their power is in their hands. This book holds the reader accountable and responsible for their own success.
What inspired you to found April Mason Enterprise, LLC, and how has your professional journey culminated in writing a book?
I have been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and have written several books and ebooks. On your journey, you gain knowledge that has helped you transform. Starting a company that focuses on self-development and writing books allows you to share with others and provide them with the tools to do the same thing.
When you started writing, what was your primary objective for your work?
For the reader to be able to see themselves in the pages. To show them that the life they want is on the other side of their identity switch.

April Mason has inspired many, many people (men included) across the globe. They will remember and use her advice for the rest of their lives. Her strategies, encouragements, and constructive criticisms leave readers feeling validated and empowered. Her new book offers readers the chance to get thorough advice from an expert, written in her own words. Readers can be confident that Identity Switch is a powerful tool for improving their lifestyles.
For more information, visit April Mason’s website.
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