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“Ask Me What I Do” and My Networking Apparel Reaches 4 Years and Counting  

( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Natasha Hall is Paving The Way For Entrepreneurship Within The BIPOC Community Through Her Brand My Networking Apparel

ENSPIRE Contributor: Alexandra Rivera 

Hall saw the problems surrounding the new boom of BIPOC entrepreneurs and considering the new trends she found a solution to help new brands grow their platforms and businesses, networking. Tapping into her years of HR experience and educational marketing background and her new idea involving graphic tees she started her own business. My Networking Apparel was born with its signature mantra, “Ask Me What I Do.” The “Mompreneur” Natasha Hall, placed the mantra boldly on a t-shirt, and the rest was history. 

The shirt was a smash hit, worn by many industry pioneers and influencers. With each year of growth, My Networking Apparel has been able to expand its reach and added to its existing value with new resources, new products, and new offers. Now with the expansion of her brand, she has been able to host events, and blog features for entrepreneurs, and now add stickers, buttons, and accessories to her site. The brand recently celebrated four years of hard work at the top of this year. 

ENSPIRE was able to chat with Hall on her journey starting My Networking Apparel and more. 

How did My Networking Apparel come to be?

In 2011, I started organizing monthly networking events in Columbus, Georgia to help industry-related professionals connect with guest speakers that were subject matter experts in various industries.

Fast forward to 2017 when I began thinking of ways not to go back to Corporate America during my maternity leave after losing my job 9 weeks prior to delivering my Son. I was focused on my career development business and created several t-shirt ideas that were perfect for Entrepreneurs.

Ask Me What I Do became the game changer and best seller out of them all. 

As I pivoted from Entrepreneurship to Business Ownership, it was time to create a platform more suitable for Ask Me What I Do.

In late 2018, My Networking Apparel was born, and I filed the trademark for Ask Me What I Do. I recruited Brand Ambassadors, Marketers, Models, and Content Creators to help build a dope ass brand. We rolled out our first networking event which expanded My Networking Apparel to adding a professional development platform, “Beyond the Apparel.” Ask Me What I Do became a movement. 

Always having a passion for helping people get from where they are today to where they want to be tomorrow, My Networking Apparel has flourished to become a global brand where not only people can make meaningful connections but gain new customers and make money wearing our merch.

Where did you get the idea for ‘Ask Me What I Do’ and how have your shirts helped other people network?

As an Ideanaire, I’m always thinking million dollar ideas. While I was on maternity leave, I was ready to be a corporate dropout and not return to work. Creating a t-shirt brand was high in demand and wordplay comes naturally to me. I created 3 t-shirt slogans I sold for about 6-months and Ask Me What I Do | My Networking Shirt was the best seller.

People were coming back to me saying “this shirt actually works. I went to the grocery store and people kept asking me what I do.” Once people experienced the shirt, they purchased more shirts in different colors. I then knew it was time to focus on networking and marketing for Black Entrepreneurs. There was a need, and I found my sweet spot.

What was it like managing two full-time jobs and raising a child when also wanting to commit to your own business?

Looking back on that time in my life, it makes me smile. If people would take me seriously when they ask me what I do, I would then follow up with whatever it takes. I’m a hustler by nature and for the life of me I’ve always had multi-jobs at one time. I knew I wanted freedom and finances to support my dreams so it was a no-brainer to push through and make it happen with whatever it takes.

I wouldn’t change a thing when looking back on it. My Son lacked nothing, I may have missed hours of sleep but it definitely powered me forward to where NOW I can go to bed at a decent hour and give the life I want to provide for my child.    

What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs trying to start their own businesses?

I hate to be cliche but your network is your net worth. I’ve been spending a lot of time doing self-development and realized that it’s not that I’m not supported, people just don’t know how to support my journey. I now bring my tribe into my space so they understand what I got going on so that I can continue to thrive.

The people around you will either weigh you down or lift you up but they have to know what they are supporting. Don’t be afraid to meet new people! There are so many people waiting to meet you and they don’t even know they need to meet you. There is power in connections, you may not need them now but you will need them later.

What goals do you have for your brand and platform this year?

I have big plans for My Networking Apparel this year. The big goal is to be seen everywhere. I want people to say dang, I just saw that brand at such-and-such. We are pushing bi-monthly networking events in Atlanta this year to cultivate the Black Entrepreneurs where the home of our brand resides.

A few more platforms are coming in support of the brand. We just dropped the Networking Playbook for free in exchange for your email. More learning, more networking, and more money all in 2023!

My Networking Apparel continues to push boundaries and help grown BIPOC businesses all starting with one simple statement, “Ask Me What I Do.” 

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