Chromatic Black™, Center for Popular Democracy and Allies Launch “2024 & Beyond: Creating Our Shared Future” Town Halls


( ENSPIRE Community Spotlight ) Collaborative Town Hall that Brings Together Community Leaders to Shape the Future of Our Society 

ENSPIRE Contributor: Camila Lizardo

“Chromatic Black™ partnered with the Center for Popular Democracy and many other individuals to announce their new launch, known as “2024 & Beyond: Creating Our Shared Future,” which was a virtual event that focused on the consequences of the MAGA Plan. This virtual event first took place on March 28, 2024. This event brought together different leaders and experts from around the country to discuss the aftermath effects on education, healthcare, the economy, and social justice that the MAGA plan could have had. This project aimed to share awareness, make people think further about what a better future could be like, and help people take action to make that happen.

Chromatic Black is a group that unites people to make new ideas, create art, and drive social change. Through open discussions, they bring awareness and amplify the transformative power of art. They gather people from outside communities to collaborate on artistic projects and advocate for positive change. The Center for Popular Democracy is an organization focused on helping different groups of people come together, hoping to make a change for the better, in which everyone feels included and can work together. They want to make sure everyone has a chance to grow and be part of the community. CPD brings people together to build a better future for all.

Rochelle Ritchie, the Moderator

What is the MAGA plan, also known as the 2025 project? The 2025 project prioritizes deregulation. Its main plans are cutting taxes for rich people, reducing help for those in need, and giving big companies more power. People argue that this project makes it harder for everyone to have an equal voice and ignores the need for help from people in the community. This 2025 project focuses more on business. It wants to give companies more freedom to make their own decisions and do as they please without being restricted by certain laws, which is why there are so many concerns about how this would affect the environment and our community. 

This virtual hall has already covered issues like the MAGA Plan or Project 2025, reproductive rights, environmental justice, and LGBTQ+ rights in the past three months. In the next few months, they planned to continue to focus on and talk about other important topics such as public education, immigration, and racial equity/common health action. By focusing on these issues, they hoped to be able to share awareness and create a more united community, encouraging different solutions to the challenges faced by our society on a daily basis.

2025 Project

Rochelle Ritchie, a journalist and political commentator, led the first town hall discussion. Ritchie had been on many networks, including Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN. Together, there was a diverse group of concerned citizens; citizens who formed part of this group of people were Abeni Bloodworth, Julia Peters, Mike Zamore, Monica Simpson, Bruna Sold, Nicole Ferguson-Carr, Teresa Bettis, Jennifer Walker, Antjuan Seawright, and Anthony Vidal Torres. The “2024 & Beyond: Creating Our Shared Future” Town Hall called for everyone to work together towards change. It asked people from different backgrounds to come together and share their ideas, worries, and hopes. 

This town hall aimed to bring together diverse individuals and experts to discuss the potential consequences of issues and concerns worldwide. One was the MAGA Plan, also known as the 2025 project. Other problems included education, social justice, etc. Chromatic Black and the Center for Popular Democracy organized this town hall. They hoped to work towards a better future.”

2024 & Beyond: Creating Our Shared Future” Town Halls: 2025 Project

To learn more about Chromatic Black and the Center for Popular Democracy, visit their websites. They provide the latest information and updates on their initiatives and projects.

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