( ENSPIRE Community ) After Five Successful Years, Champs For Autism’s The Runway of Hope for Individuals with Autism will be in NY & NJ /wp:heading wp:paragraph {“dropCap”:true}
Champs For Autism was founded by a US Army disabled Veteran, mother of 3 on a continued mission to empower individuals with Autism. Her oldest child was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 18 months, and she noticed that there was a lack of programs that included children with and without disabilities. Dr. Stephannie L. Addo-Zuniga created Champs for Autism to be able to provide recreational, educational and advocacy services for individuals and families of individuals with Autism.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {“id”:9771,”align”:”center”,”width”:363,”height”:241}/wp:quote wp:paragraph {“align”:”left”}Autism awareness is all year long, not just in the month of April. Champs for Autism is on a mission to spread awareness across the nation for everyone, every day!
Dr. Stephannie L. Addo-Zuniga -Founder of Champs for Autism.
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Over these past five years, Dr. Addo-Zuniga has impacted over 300 families whose children have autism. She gave hope to those families that their children do not have to be limited by their disabilities but loved for their abilities. She has worked so hard to reach out to so many other businesses and people that have supported her vision. Her community efforts have awarded her an honorary doctorate degree. She is also an army-veteran, serial entrepreneur, wife and a mother of 3. She manages to do it all and it has motivated me to do more as well for my community. I know her story will affect and encourage others to want to give back.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {“id”:9757,”align”:”center”,”width”:375,”height”:249}Tickets are available at www.ChampsForAutism.com. For more information on donations, sponsorship opportunities and collaborating call Dr. Stephannie L. Addo-Zuniga 646-702-7593 or email [email protected]
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