Entrepreneur Pamela Smith Advocates Mental Health For All Backgrounds


( ENSPIRE She Did That ) The Therapist and Podcast Host Uses Her Platforms to Help Clients Heal and Grow

ENSPIRE Contributor: Elizabeth Duchan

Pamela Smith is tackling the topic of mental health head-on. The licensed therapist and black entrepreneur is utilizing her mental health practice to create a safe space for people of all backgrounds to better themselves. Her practice focuses specifically on addressing clients’ past sexual traumas and couples’ mental health. With her eleven years in the therapy industry, Smith believes that religion does not have to be compromised in the name of counseling and hopes to get rid of the many stigmas surrounding mental health in society.

Smith’s in-person and virtual counseling sessions cover themes of spiritual and sexual trauma, relationship and break-up recovery, and marital counseling. Smith is also speaking up with her podcast, “It’s All Mental,” which channels adversity into a source of empowerment. Through addressing the struggles unique to women of color and couples, Smith advocates for restored mental health and hosts powerful conversations about success stories that stem from struggling.

As a woman of color, Smith understands firsthand the obstacles faced by marginalized groups in society. “Mental health in minority communities still carries a stigma which is more debilitating than not,” she said. “‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ has been the mantra in many cultures for many years.” She notes that clergymen, in particular, have been resistant to merging spiritual training and science to address the health of their religious members, and hopes to change that by establishing partnerships and training sessions with religious sectors across different communities.

Amidst the turbulence of the current political climate, Smith stresses the importance of seeking mental stability amid distress and being vulnerable about anxieties. “Our experiences and realities differ from the rest of the world,” she said. “We need a safe space to heal.”

Smith offers counseling services to predominantly Black and Brown communities and is currently learning to speak Spanish to communicate better with the Latinx community. She explains that the most rewarding aspect of her work has been the reciprocal benefits of not only forging deep connections with her clients but also gaining so much insight from people of all perspectives. She expresses personal joy at “witnessing [her] clients ‘get it’ – understand who they are and that what they may be experiencing is okay.” Smith continues to wield her various platforms to educate, uplift, and provide safe spaces for people to embrace their mental health.

For more information on Pamela Smith’s work, please visit https://www.pamelasmithlpc.com/counseling.html.