( ENSPIRE Entertainment ) Global Citizen Publicizes 2022 Festival In NYC and Ghana
ENSPIRE Contributor: Ava Girardi
On May 24, 2022, at the Global Citizen Summit, the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, and the Minister of Tourism for Ghana, Hon. Ibrahim Mohammed Awal shared the news that marked the Global Citizens’ ten years to fight poverty and work to help the planet. Both individuals stated that Accra, Ghana, will be a sister location along with the New York City celebration. This event will focus on marking the organization’s ten years of defending the plant and working to end poverty.
The 10th year of the Global Citizen Festival will take place on September 24, 2022, highlighting a decade of impact. At this event, Global Citizen will work with live artists on the Global Citizen stage on the Great Lawn in Central Park. The event will bring people together from across the globe, including high-profile artists willing to spread the mission of combating poverty.

With the 10-year celebration of the Global Citizen festivals, 2022 also marks Ghana’s 65th year of independence, along with the 20th anniversary of the African Union. The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, explains how he is honored to host Ghana as the sister location for this festival.
“Ghana is honored to host this year’s edition of the Global Citizen Festival,” Nana Akufo-Addo said. “I look forward to welcoming every one of you to Accra, capital of the country at the center of the world. Together, let us join hands and help accelerate progress towards the realization of the SDGs. We owe it to the next generation to live in a world free from poverty, disease, and the degradation of the environment.”

At this festival in Ghana, it will also highlight the “Beyond the Return” campaign, which celebrates a decade of the African Renaissance. This campaign is a follow-up of its successful campaign, the “Year of Return” Campaign from 2019 in Ghana, commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first recorded enslaved people to arrive in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619.
This festival in Ghana will bring more advocacy to this organization after its other successful festivals hosted in South Africa and Nigeria. At the Mandela 100 festival, more than $4.7 billion of the total of $7.2 billion in funding was dispersed to communities and organizations that work to end extreme poverty and positively impact the lives of 177 million people in South Africa and worldwide.

As the world’s most significant movement of action takers, Global Citizen uses its festivals to bring awareness to poverty and end it around the globe. With its Tweeting, messaging, and voting methods, it works to get closer to ending poverty and making those in charge make things happen, such as government leaders and philanthropists. Not only do businesses have to get involved in making this change, but citizens can actively take part in this organization through its app. This app allows invidious to learn more about Global citizens and the causes of poverty, take action, and earn rewards. Some rewards include tickers to concerts and events while positively changing the world for people in underserved countries.

To learn more about Global Citizen, visit the site here. Also, follow Global Citizen on Instagram @glblctzn.
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