( ENSPIRE Community Spotlight ) Gylr Get Hired Conference Introduces Young Women to Workforce
ENSPIRE Contributor: Gabrielle Maya
On September 25th in Brooklyn, New York Gyrl Get Hired Conference was held. Cantu Beauty and Gylr Wonder partner for the second time to bring this astounding event for all Black and Brown women. The Gyrl Get Hired (GGH) Conference’s mission is to give Gen Z peers an opportunity to begin their career paths.
Gylr Get Hired Conference focuses on women of color between the ages of 17 to 23. They want to teach how women should take up space and be authentic to who they are as they start their careers. This is a preparation opportunity for college students and recent graduates.

If you are looking for an early career or internship, then this is a perfect way to retain advice. Many types of individuals will speak on topics that encourage you to value your worth when starting a career. When it comes to salary negotiation and breaking professional barriers.
“Cantu believes success starts from within and as a brand that services Black and Brown communities, we want to make sure the next generation is equipped with the resources we wish we had when we were 17 and 23 to accelerate the path to purpose, the path to profit and utterly path to potential,” says Dametria Kinsley, Cantu’s Global Vice President of Marketing.

Panels and fireside chats will involve Parfums Christian Dior, Kareem Gayle-Fagen, Achieng Agutu, Lanre Gaba, and more. They offered tips for passion-to-profit strategies and explain how to take on the corporate environment self-care, mental health consistency, and avoid burnout.
You may not have gone to the event but you can learn more about Gyrl Get Hired by going onto the site Gyrl Wonder. For more information regarding Cantu Beauty products or future conferences go to their site.
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