( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Former Chief of Police and Podcast Host Dr. RaShall M. Brackney Discusses Racial Reform in our Legal System
ENSPIRE Contributor: Kaitlyn Cruz
What do former law enforcement officials have to say about racial inequities and reform in our legal system? Mean Ole Lion Media presents a revamped “Black Arm of the Law” podcast, hosted by former Chief of Police Dr. RaShall M. Brackney. The content creation company focuses on stories and topics affecting Black and Brown communities. The podcast focuses on the unique experiences of former agents and officers of color while in law enforcement. After a 6-month hiatus, the revamped podcast debuted on July 20, 2023, during the 47th Annual NOBLE (National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives) conference.
The “Black Arm of the Law” podcast comprises candid discussions about the intersection of race, public safety, and public policy with lawyers, activists, scholars, politicians, and individuals within Black and Brown communities who have been affected by the criminal legal system. Some of its hot topics include racial inequities, police, and prison reform, police violence, community partnerships, the criminal legal system, stop and frisk, identifying best practices, the war on drugs and guns, the history of policing, over-criminalization in America, positive leadership, and other issues.

The podcast’s topics of discussion are of key importance since these issues greatly impact Black and Brown communities. Many individuals in these communities have a distinct fear and distrust of law enforcement officials.
According to Federal Law Enforcement Officers, about 61 percent of law enforcement officers were white, 21 percent Hispanic, and 10 percent Black. A report by the U.S. Bureau of Statistics report shows “…of the total number of lawyers in the country, 5.4 percent are Black, 4.7 percent are Asian and 6.9 percent are Latinx.”
Low racial diversity in these spaces contributes to the existing fear of law enforcement in these communities. The “Black Arm of the Law” podcast provides audiences with unique perspectives and experiences of former agents and officers of color, bridging this gap. These topics need to be discussed by individuals whom these communities are more likely to trust.
The host, Dr. Rashall M. Brackney has extensive experience in law enforcement. She served as chief of police in Charlottesville, Virginia during the deadly “Unite the Right” rally. This was a white supremacist rally that took place in 2017. Her perspectives, first-hand experience, and detailed knowledge about law enforcement greatly enrich the podcast.

Chief Brackney states, “I look forward to hosting the Black Arm of the Law podcast, where I’ll provide an insider’s analysis of the most pressing legal issues facing Black and Brown communities across the nation.”
Dr. Brackney’s passion in this field trails into her other endeavors. She works as a professor at Carnegie-Mellon University and as a visiting professor at George Mason University. She teaches courses on the intersection of race, politics, and policy. In doing so, she shares her passion, experience, and unique insights with her students and through their education.
The “Black Arm of the Law” podcast is a step in the right direction. The unique perspectives provided and topics discussed can bring about positive changes and meaningful conversations around the topic. Chief Brackney continues to use her platforms to educate others about this topic.
Tune in to the “Black Arm of the Law” podcast on the Mean Ole Lion Media network. Additionally, it’s available on Amazon, Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Podchasers, and Spotify.
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