( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Howard Student Chanice McClover-Lee Raises Awareness About Gen Z Experiences and Opinions With “Gen Z Speaks.”
ENSPIRE Contributor: Elizabeth Casillas
Young activist, Chanice McClover-Lee, is set to publish an anthology on Nov. 24th discussing the diverse Gen Z experience and challenges. “Gen Z Speaks” is an anthology of people’s experiences in their life and how the recent political and social climate has impacted them.
The authors included in the book represent how diverse Gen Z is. Writers range from Black, Latinx, trans, gay, and their viewpoint is not only limited to one country, for their stories told are from all over the world. The stories will help people embrace who they are born to be, get them through tough situations, and aid in finding their place in the world.

This will not be the first time Chanice McClover-Lee, a Gen Z representative herself, has spoken about society and the importance of social awareness. McClover-Lee published the book “Young Revolutionary: A Teen’s Guide to Activism,” which gave the youth the tools needed to make changes in their community and use them for long-lasting impacts on society. This book goes hand-in-hand with her blog, “Melanin Diary,” which discusses social justice and politics.
Her talents are not only limited to writing, but McClover-Lee has also been successful in the formation of Florida Changemakers Inc. This organization is 100% youth-led and focuses on increasing civic engagement. She has also worked on Voting Rights Restoration for Felons, was a teen advisor at the United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up Campaign, and she is currently part of Young Womxn of Color for Reproductive Justice Leadership Council.

As a student of Howard University, McClover-Lee has shown her dedication to improving the world through her writings, organizations, films, and speeches. This anthology releasing soon will be no less impactful towards society than her previous work. For more information and to pre-order the book visits their website at chanicelee.com/genzspeaks.