( ENSPIRE Fashion ) One of a Kind Creativity and Expert Craftsmanship is a Fundamental to Every 1820hats Creation
ENSPIRE Contributor: Kate Newman
Inspired by verse Matthew 18:20, 1820hats is looking to unearth the creative in all of us. One-of-a-kind crafted Fedoras; each collection tells a different story. Coming in three different sizes, small, medium, or large-brimmed, each hat is energetic, stylish, and artistic, all while emphasizing a message of encouragement, freedom, and positivity. Some of the most recent collections including, the Creation, New Creature, Freedom 2.0, Morning Star, and Reflection, consist of all kinds of different hats, each with its own unique personality allowing any individual to find a hat that speaks directly to their own signature style.
1820’s hats are more than just a fashion accessory but a tool for self-expression and finding one’s own voice. ENSPIRE Magazine was fortunate enough to speak with some of the creativity behind 1820hats to find out what makes them so unique and what they have coming next!
What drew you to hats? What made you want to apply your art to that specific accessory?
Hats, in my opinion, are one of the most prestigious accessories; it’s your crown. Growing up, I realized this in watching my dad; as a professional artist, I’d see him paint and create some wonderful artistry. His hat (his crown) is an extension of the creativity that naturally flows from the inside. I LOVE IT.
1820 is inspired by the verse Matthew 18:20. What is it about that verse that speaks to you or inspired the brand?
I truly believe that the greatest power come from being in positive agreement and alignment. The verse states “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.” I do trust God, but there is something different about having another person with the faith and understanding that anything is possible with God. It just hits different, ya know? For 2 years, I sat on the concept (for 1820 Hats) until I met Bianca Malcolm (who is part owner of 1820 Hats). She was “game” from day one and we’ve been striving ever since. It blows my mind and my faith grows daily. It reaffirms the passage and is a constant reminder that with God, all things are possible.

When designing each piece, what is your creative process like? Do you have a specific story or wearer in mind? Or do you just follow your artistic instincts?
As crazy as it sounds, the designs come in flashes out of nowhere. I’m inspired by everything. The designs that make it to the hats will always come from a place of triumph or motivation. The hats are crowns of thought, strength, and there’s always a message attached to the motivation and inspiration to create them (the hats).
It’s safe to say that every hat has an assignment for the owner. Our hope is that these hats spark a positive and powerful shift on one’s thoughts of the day and beyond. What are the thoughts in a day? We concern ourselves with how we fit in this cycle of life through our relationships, careers, money, and anything that is a reflection of our existence. We strive to assure that when you wear our fedoras, your thoughts focus on self-image, empowerment, hope, and endurance.
The value people get out of being creative and making art often varies depending on the individual. Why is creating art so important to you? And what made you decide to dedicate such a significant part of your life to it?
I believe that the ability to create manifests God’s purpose in the statement, “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.”
It makes us the most like Him when we create. In the beginning, God created; therefore, we create. Have you ever seen the sky at sunrise and sunset? The picture shifts with the winds, giving us beautiful measures every moment of the occurrence. My GOD, it’s the most beautiful sight. I believe that’s God’s art. Art is supposed to move and shift, not just in its form, but for the soul that experiences it. I live in and embrace this creative and encouraging space.

Any hat from your brand is bold and 100% a statement piece. When a customer puts on one of your hats, how do you hope they feel, or what do you wish to inspire in them?
We hope they remember that they are royalty and nothing is impossible if they believe.
What’s next for 1820hats? Do you have any big plans or exciting things coming up?
Oh boy, do we? YES, we do! Our summer and fall collection will be something you don’t want to miss! We also have a surprise bonus that we are adding to the apparel collection. We are so excited to share this with the world. Stay tuned!
As the 1820hats brand continues to grow, so does its message. And while each creation is truly a work of art and a stunning fashion piece, every hat represents so much more. It is the hope of the brand that every wearer feels embolden to be true to themselves and live free. Each unique Fedora is not just a hat but a crown.