( ENSPIRE Health & Wellness ) Kelly Price Shows the Importance of Protecting your Mental Health Despite What Others Expect of You
ENSPIRE Contributor: Naomi Stamps
Kelly Price, Naomi Osaka, and Simone Biles are three women who have one thing in common—boldly moving from the spotlight to address their mental health. As many of you are aware, Kelly Price made headlines this past weekend for being reported missing in Georgia. However, because of the continuous buzz in the media, the R&B and Gospel singer and songwriter set the record straight. In an interview with TMZ, she explained that she was never missing and was recovering at home after almost losing her life in the hospital. Price also mentioned that while her family members reported her as missing, she didn’t keep in touch with some of her relatives.
Most people tuned into this news story for the latest gossip, but I took something else away from Price’s story. I commended her for choosing to heal emotionally and mentally from loss and her health scare and removing toxic people in her life. Price’s story shows the importance of not being afraid to protect your peace.

Many of us are victims of allowing those in our circle to belittle us, use us, and force us to complete tasks when we’re internally struggling. Sometimes we feel indebted to someone because we’re related to them. As a result, we hold back on expressing our feelings to spare someone else’s (despite them hurting us). We feel that we’ll let others down by leaving tasks unfinished and appearing selfish. Sometimes, we do this because we hate dealing with conflict and think it’s best to stay quiet. This way of thinking eats away at us slowly and restricts us from living healthy and happy life.
The human body and mind can only take so much, and for your mental health’s sake, there are times you have to say, “I have to put myself first.” This helps us to ensure that we’re giving those in our circle the best version of us. We also find that we can easily detect those holding us back from greatness by putting ourselves first. Former football player and motivational speaker Trent Shelton, once said “Nothing can continue to hurt you without your permission. It’s in your control what you accept and don’t accept.” We are not obligated to accept any form of abuse, and we must understand our worth. If not, we can’t blame others for holding us back because we allow them to do so.

Price’s story reminds us that it’s vital to know when it’s time to say that enough is enough. Can a broken pitcher offer water to those who are thirsty? Absolutely not. Someone has to fix it or completely replace it. The same thing applies to human beings. We cannot help others if we ourselves are broken. So do yourself a favor and take a break. Your body and mind will thank you for being cautious of your mental health.
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