( ENSPIRE Community Spotlight ) The Power of Girls, Atlanta-based Nonprofit Created to Encourage Young Girls
ENSPIRE Contributor: Bella Rothman
A global need for female leaders and further women’s empowerment inspired one woman, Tameka Kee, to help girls discover their confidence, strength, and power. The Power of Girls is an organization created to build the leadership and teamwork skills of future worldwide female leaders. Using travel, team-building experience, and a year-long “Power House” curriculum, the Atlanta-based nonprofit has created a place where young women are encouraged to use their voice for good and globally.
The nonprofit sprang from a work assignment given to creator Tameka Kee who was working in professional sports. She had to create a program that would focus on the empowerment of young girls and was so moved by the project that she returned after switching careers. “In a conversation with my husband, he asked me when the last happy time I was happy, and I said, “it was working with the girls.” Tamkee shared with ENSPIRE. With the support of her community, she worked to further develop the nonprofit on her own and ensure that girls in the future could find their strength through the program.

Each year, 12-15 middle school girls are selected to take part in the program. In a pre-Covid world, the year-long curriculum ends with a trip abroad to widen the perspective of future leaders. One Power of Girls alum Journey shared her memorable experience of traveling with the program. “… getting to the airport on the day of, the adrenaline in everyone’s system, the bonding on the plane ride to London, and of course the London trip as well! Especially the bus ride that transported us from place to place around the city of London.” she shared.

Because of the pandemic, they had to cancel the 2020 Power of Girl trip. The 2022 trip, however, has been carefully planned by the team, and it will be to Panama, Africa. Aside from the yearly travel, the organization meets once a month on Saturdays to do team-building exercises. Tamkera shared some of her favorites of these activities with ENSPIRE. “My favorite is “Her Girl Story,” Her Girl Story is when the girls do a presentation by themselves. Our organization gives girls a platform to express themselves and share their stories. We also have an international component in our sessions, where we learn about other girls in other countries. “
This year, the Power of Girls will announce their GRL PWR Summit presented by The Power of Girls and the Jr NBA. The program’s goal is to show how girls are impacted on an international level by the work The Power of Girls does. When visiting a new country, the girls will work with a community or organization to not only educate themselves on global issues but benefit a new group of people with their leadership capabilities.

The Power of the Girls works to create the well-rounded leaders of tomorrow. These girls learn more about their passion and strength through the Atlanta program and create unique bonds with each other. For more information on The Power of Girls or donate to them directly, visit their website, shop their products, and follow their social media. Within just a couple of years, the lives of several girls have been altered forever. As alum Journey said, “The power of girls has taught me to empower others, respect my girl power, and continue to believe in myself no matter what.”
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