( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Uncover the You You’re Supposed to be with Dr. Shanna V. Coaching and Strategic Solutions
ENSPIRE Contributor: Rosemary Gonzalez
Certified business executive, life strategist, author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur Shanna B. Van Ness is a loving and compassionate leader. Aside from being a wife and mother of four Ness helps others find purpose with her coaching business, Dr. Shanna V. Coaching, and Strategic Solutions by providing a range of services to help with personal growth, professional development, relationship coaching, communication skills, self-esteem, inner peace, and health issues so that her clients can live life to the fullest. Operating from Atlanta, Ness not only helps others clarify their vision, but she sets the example.
“I practice what I speak,” said Ness. “So the coaching and consultative services are driven by my heart and desire to see others succeed”.

Originally from New York, Ness earned her Ph.D. from Walden University in public policy and administration, but became a certified independent trainer and now operates in Atlanta offering both in-person, online, and tele services, assisting others to reach optimal growth. Ness is a collaborative, solution-focused, and results-oriented coach, providing integrated coaching techniques and helpful assignments to offer a highly personalized program for her clients. Her services are uniquely catered to the individual or organization’s needs and prices can vary from $450.000 to $1000 monthly, but new clients can schedule a free 30-minute consultation here.
Van Ness loves her craft and will help others reach their full potential Ness is a member of the International Coach Federation– a nonprofit organization dedicated to professional coaching and the International Association of Women (IWA)–is a global in-person and online professional networking platform that provides women with the forum, education, and services to thrive in an interconnected world.ENSPIRE spoke to Ness to learn more about her life coaching business.
Why did you go into life coaching? Was it always a passion of yours?
As a child, I was always the “talkative one”. Straight “A Student”, but when my parents came to the parent-teacher conference, the report always ended. She talks… a lot. I can remember being a child and always having something to say. I always had an opinion and even as a child, I would get the side-eye for sharing my opinion even when I wasn’t asked to. So, I would say, I have always been vocal. I can also say that growing up, I asked a lot of questions. If something intrigued me or if I wanted to know more, I wasn’t shy about asking questions. My passion to support the growth and development of others led me to become a Certified Business, executive, and Life Coach. Throughout my personal and professional relationships, I was always the person people would come to for advice or an opinion. Even then, I took that to the next level by simply asking thoughtful questions that supported them in finding their own answer. With that being said, I listen and respond with thought-provoking questions to support individuals and organizations to clarify their “what’s next”?
What type of clients do you cater to? What is the commonality and difference between them?
I cater to a wide demographic of clients. Some of my clients are individuals that need support in getting unstuck. Some are individuals that want to repair a relationship or find a relationship. I work with a lot of individuals that want to jump into entrepreneurship. And, I also work with a lot of mid to large-size organizations that seek to reinvent themselves innovatively and with resiliency. I have worked with executives that are looking to take their organization in a new direction, so I would say my reach is wide.
You specialize in personal growth, relationships, business, and executive coaching. These are all different aspects of a person’s life. How do you go about coaching someone depending on their needs?
Great question! Regarding providing Life Coaching Services, individuals will first undergo a 30-minute FREE consultation. During this consultation, we identify three areas of one’s life where one wants to achieve an extraordinary result. This could be relationships (professional, personal, intimate), finance, health, and well-being, or perhaps career/education. After I listen to what they want to shift, I give a very brief outline of how the result is one area identified can be achieved. If a person hires me, we work together for 90 days to achieve the results. For an individual or organization seeking Business or Executive Coaching. It is a bit different. From a business and executive point of view, the consultation is lengthier, but the process is still the same. Once we have narrowed down the focus of what the desired end result is, we work through a process to achieve the results.
What are some coping mechanisms you find essential to help someone get to their life or business goals?
I work with my clients to shift their mindsets. I have realized over time our brains are powerful. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy but are kinder to others than we are to ourselves. I would say a coping mechanism I find essential to help some get to their life and business goals isn’t really a “coping mechanism”. In order to support anyone in reaching their goals, it is essential to shift the language and mindset to a growth mindset. It is essential to shift the self-talk from I can’t do it… to, I can’t do it yet. Or, I don’t know how….to I don’t know how yet. There is power in the word yet. So, instead of placing energy into coping, I encourage and motivate others to learn to place energy in adopting and adapting to new habits.
There are a lot of life coaches in the world. What makes you unique?
I would say that if you are feeling stuck in an area of your professional and/or personal life, know that there is a way to get unstuck. If you desire to get unstuck and live your life in committed action passionately fulfilling your purpose, contact Dr. Shanna V. Coaching and Strategic Solutions so we can clarify your vision to achieve extraordinary results now. Ultimately, what makes me unique as a coach is that I understand it takes work to achieve results. I uniquely do what I do with ease because I continuously am my own result of living life committed to achieving extraordinary results. So, when I coach to others, I am coaching to myself because I understand that we all are on a path to be better tomorrow than we were today. I uniquely and passionately work in this industry because, although I understand this may be HARD work, it is also my HEART WORK.
The pandemic affected many people’s mental health and businesses. How is it coaching people during this time?
Yes, the pandemic affected people. I gained a lot of clients during the pandemic. I regained a lot of prior business clients that needed support in reinventing themselves through strategic planning and innovation. A lot of businesses I worked with during that time became serious about strategic planning and implementation. This was necessary to support their business goals if “a new or different” world-changing obstacle ever prevailed again. I also worked with clients that wanted to start a new career or further their education. Some clients put on the COVID WEIGHT. I think I did also, which challenged many mentally. I would say keeping my clients accountable, supporting them in gaining or regaining focus, supported them mentally and physically.
What do you do to take care of yourself?
I love going to the spa for Spa Day! I exercise regularly. I do believe exercise alleviates a lot of stress so I try to exercise at least three days a week. I meditate in the morning and before bed. I like to start my day grounded and end my day with reflection.
I understand that you recently recovered from Covid. Can you tell me a bit about that experience, and what helped you recover?
Wow!!! Yes!!! My home was hit with COVID in December and January. it was worse in January, but December was not bad at all. All I had was a runny nose and a bit of congestion. In January, I was dizzy, dehydrated, cough, headache; you name it. But, I can tell you we beat it naturally. My husband went to our local health food store, and we took all-natural herbs for ten days. He even made a homemade concoction of Wray and Nephew Rum, Honey, and Fresh Garlic, and we were lined up for our dose of herbs each day. Oh, I would also say I have a lot of alkaline water.
I know everyone needs support once in a while. Who serves as a “life coach” in your life?
I would say my personal support system is one that is healthy. When I use the term “healthy”, I have grown to surround myself with individuals that give me open, honest feedback. I know that when I am being supported, the words they share come from their heart. I lean into my husband when I am brainstorming any new business venture. I have a cadre of girlfriends that are phenomenal, strong businesswomen, so I definitely lean in for personal support and to share ideas.
You specialize in a lot of areas. How do you keep yourself organized and make sure you are performing efficiently with every task?
I keep myself organized the old-fashioned way. I literally use a calendar journal and all my appointments, project deadlines, coaching sessions, and to-dos are written in it. I write down and schedule my workout time. I believe that if I commit to writing it, then I have committed to getting it done. I rely on my notes and calendar on my phone as well, but I still write everything down.
What do you hope to accomplish with everything that you do? What are your goals and dreams?
The impact that I hope to make on my clientele is to be the voice in their head when they get stuck reminding them “THEY ARE ENOUGH! TRUST WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF ABUNDANCE AND THERE IS ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE!”
One of the most common shortcomings I see in my clients is their belief that whatever they are striving for is “not enough”. For example, I had one client that had a phenomenal idea to start a business. However, there was a repetitive cycle of the “what if it doesn’t work”… “But, what if I don’t have customers”. Although one could say it was a shortcoming, I would further say it was a “mindset” and “language” shift that needed to occur. Instead of being caught in the mindset and language of “what if”, there was a need to shift the mindset and language to “It will work, I can make it happen, and I will have three times the customers compared to my competitors because I AM ENOUGH!, I TRUST WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF ABUNDANCE AND THERE IS ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE!”. Often clients fall into a cycle of not trusting themselves or their journey to success. However, as a coach and consultant, I specialize in asking critical, thought-provoking questions to shift one’s mindset and change the language to create impact. Also, my dream is to build a legacy for my children and family.
Ness is that woman to begin the journey with Dr. Shanna V. Coaching and Strategic Solutions, click here to unleash your best self. One can also follow Ness on Instagram @drsbvanness.
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