( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Aishah Tatum Teaches Others How to Detox and Help Them Fully Align With Their Purpose
ENSPIRE Contributor: Shayne Watson
Certified Holistic Life Coach & Holistic wellness educator, author, and speaker, Aishah Tatum, opens up about her goal to teach the idea that being healthy starts with “renewing of the mind” and that holistic wellness can help you to align with your highest self and give birth to your dreams.
“In 2014, I went through an emotional, spiritual, mental and financial breakdown. 1 year later I enrolled in a Detox program that focused on mental, emotional, physical healing and wellbeing,” Tatum said. “The training I received coupled with my extensive background in metaphysical sciences, leadership and wellness helped me to align fully with my purpose.”

Tatum took the time to answer our questions regarding her program:
What made you want to be a Life Coach and help others?
“I always had a natural desire to encourage, uplift and show kindness to others…
In high school, I was voted “Most Friendly” and was always the one my friends and associates would come to get advice, encouragement or just talk to and get things off their chest. But I never knew there was a career path for that. As a matter of fact, my goal was to be a neurosurgeon. During my junior year of college, I had a change of heart and realized I didn’t want to pursue that path, but I still wanted to inspire, encourage and help others, I just didn’t know how I was going to do that…
After graduating from college, I got a job working at an insurance company. It was one of the most unfulfilling jobs I’ve ever had and also one of the most stressful. I was making 15.00/hr., driving an hour in traffic to work every day to sit in a box (a cubicle) answering almost 100 calls a day. It literally felt like my soul was dying or in a casket. I knew there had to be more to life. I remember praying about my life and asking God for guidance and direction. God always answers when we ask…
One day I was talking to a friend who has called to tell me about all sorts of issues she was having and on the phone I helped her break each issue down and change her outlook on them. I encouraged her and helped her come up with a strategy to move forward with her goals. Then out of nowhere she was like “Aishah, you should be a life coach.” I was like, “a what?” She said, “a life coach, they help others overcome challenges and get their life on track.” I was like girl; I’ve never even heard of that. You mean there’s a job that people get paid to help give other people advice and come up with a plan?” Now this was 20 years ago and I had no idea that anything like this even existed. She told me I should look into it and sure enough, I did. Over the years I’ve acquired many certifications and degrees and have worked with hundreds of women on their journey to wellbeing. That’s how I started my journey as a Life coach.”
What does “renewing the mind” mean to you?
“Renewing the mind means getting rid of all of the negative self-talk, mental criticism, and disempowering beliefs…
It’s a process of creating a positive and empowering mental state and being very intentional with what we think, believe, imagine and focus on…
It’s a mental detox in which we become very intentional about what we allow to go on in our minds and also making sure that we are using the power of thought and imagination with focused intention.”
How do you help others detox emotionally, mentally, and physically?
“I have a 90 Day Emotional Detox Program that focuses on taking a holistic approach to identifying and assessing why we are where we are, understanding what changes that could be made and then creating a customized plan to help my clients reach their individual goals.”
What does your “Emotional Detox in 90 Days” entail?
“The Emotional Detox includes a holistic scan that identifies underlying emotional toxins and subconscious programs and outlines how these are impacting the woman’s ability to thrive, be healthy and succeed. It gives me a good understanding of what past traumas may be present, what sabotaging behaviors may be present and how these energies are impacting her overall health and wellbeing. It also gives me a very good understanding of her physical health, what vibrational imbalances may be present and from that I create a customized 90 Holistic Plan that addresses her current mental, emotional, physical and life challenges and goals. During the 90-day program, we work together closely to overcome the challenges so she can get to her next level.”
What is the process from Breakdown to Breakthrough?
“A breakdown is always a good thing because it shows us where we are and makes us aware of some of the things that may need to change in order for us to breakthrough to our next level. I believe that breakdowns are blessings to help us breakthrough to our next level so we can be more in alignment with God and ultimately fulfill our purpose…
During the breakdown, you may experience many emotions, uncertainty, self-doubt, fear, emptiness, low feelings of self-worth, negative thinking, unhealthy choices in food, feelings and behavior and you just feel “bad” …
The next step on the process is to become aware that you want change, you want to feel better, you want to heal your inner self, have peace and move forward but you may not know how or what to do…
The third step is to go from wanting to making a mental decision that you are going to do whatever is necessary and within your control to elevate your life and get in alignment with God…
Once you have decided, you pray and receive guidance to take some sort of action. It may be to get a therapist, hire a coach, go to a retreat, read a book, clean up your house or even begin to change certain habits that you’ve had for years. But you will receive some sort of inspiration to act…
The final step is to continue to take inspired action so you must pay very close attention to the signs you’re receiving and act accordingly. It always helps to have support while going through your breakthrough process, so having a support system, coach or therapist can help tremendously.”
What does “Holistic Health” mean to you?
“Holistic Health means living a happy, purpose filled, healthy and aligned life. It means nurturing your mind, body, heart, spirit and lifestyle. It means walking confidently in purpose and being, doing and having everything that God has for you. It means expressing the truth and fullness of who you are without fear, doubt and shame. It means embracing all of you, loving who you are, accepting who you are, nurturing yourself and fearlessly shining your light in the world.”

Tatum believes that people shouldn’t struggle trying to figure out how to get “unstuck”, and instead should focus on getting in alignment, transcending your own limitations, and reinventing yourself.
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