( ENSPIRE Business ) AJ Nubla Paves the Way For Asian American and Pacific Islanders Through His Successful Business
ENSPIRE Contributor: Yasmina Ibrahim
Located in Los Angeles, California, Nubla is known for guiding his clients in successfully scaling, monetizing, and growing their businesses. He has helped propel his clients to global online fame. In 2019, he joined Studio 71, where he first worked for Underscore Talent, the leading next-generation talent management firm, with co-founders Reba Izard and Dan Weinstein. Being the firstborn son of Filipino immigrants, his parents left their friends, family, and home country in search of better opportunities for himself and his brother. Keeping this in mind, he needed to make something of himself. Growing up, he always admired how much his parents sacrificed but took it for granted so when he graduated from college he was determined not only to make them proud but to not waste their sacrifice because they truly lived their lives for his brother and himself.
Growing up in a predominantly Hispanic and white neighborhood, he felt unseen, underrepresented, and worst of all misrepresented. He always had to fight that much harder to stand out and make a name for himself. He was always made to feel like an outsider or just “foreign” and different. It felt like America didn’t accept Asians as Americans back in the 90s and 2000s. He states, “We just existed here, but we weren’t what other people deemed “American.”

He represents AAPI talent because he never wanted anyone else to feel that way. To help others in that are in the same situation as him, he’s decided that he wanted to make an impact in representation – it’s always been a priority for him. He truly believes that entertainment affects the culture and how we learn how to speak to each other and treat each other based on the stories we watch on film, TV, and social media and the music we listen to. Because of that he’s always wanted to work in the industry and make a positive impact for all underrepresented and misrepresented groups.
AJ Nubla explains how he started his business and how he positively wants to motivate people in similar situations.
Do you have any special motivations that have helped you throughout the rough times in your career?
Well, the one thing that has always motivated me is the fact that I am the firstborn son of Filipino immigrants. My parents left their friends, family, and home country for better opportunities for myself and my brother. I can’t take that for granted and I need to make something of myself. Growing up I always admired how much my parents sacrificed but I took it for granted at times so when I graduated from college I was determined not only to make them proud but to not waste their sacrifice because they truly lived their lives for my brother and me.
I also have this innate belief in myself that I am meant to do something great. I am a very passionate person and my passion moves to put in that extra 3 hours of work at the end of the day when my body is exhausted and ready to give up. My passion and belief in myself have always guided me and pushed me to persevere through all the rough times in my career. I truly believe entertainment has the greatest impact on our culture. We learn how to treat each other and how to speak to each other through the stories we watch on film/television and social media and through the music we listen to.

What has inspired you to create this business?
This goes back to my experience as a first generation Asian American and child of immigrants. I know there are thousands of other AAPI parents who sacrificed a lot to move their family here for a better life and opportunities. Our community is very familial – growing up I had to call every adult I met “Uncle” or “Aunty” otherwise I would get in trouble for calling adults by their first name because to my traditional Asian parents, it was a sign of disrespect. For that reason, I show respect to all of my elders and even more so for my fellow AAPI elders because of our familial mentality and our value of respect.
Growing up in a predominantly Hispanic and white neighborhood, I felt unseen, underrepresented and worst of all misrepresented. I always had to fight that much harder to stand out and make a name for myself. I was always made to feel like an outsider or just “foreign” and different. It felt like America didn’t accept Asians as Americans back in the 90’s and 2000’s. We just existed here, but we weren’t what other people deemed “American.” I represent AAPI talent because I never want anyone else to feel that way.
What’s the full story behind your business?
This goes back to feeling misrepresented and underrepresented most of my life. There was not a specific moment where I decided I wanted to make an impact in representation – it’s always been a priority for me. I truly believe that entertainment affects the culture and we learn how to speak to each other and treat each other based on the stories we watch on film, tv, and social media and the music we listen to. Because of that I’ve always wanted to work in the industry and make a positive impact for all underrepresented and misrepresented groups.
Do you have a mission statement that you would like to share with others?
My personal mission statement isn’t anything profound but it’s something I think about every day. As a talent manager and talent representative my main goal is to always be the best advocate for my clients first and foremost but also for all creators and talent as well. I am protecting my clients’ interests in all areas of their lives including personally and professionally as well.
What’s your ultimate goal in life and your business?
My ultimate goal in life is to cherish this amazing life that I am blessed with and to cherish the time I have with all of my loved ones. My ultimate goal in my business is to continually grow as an industry professional and to never stop growing. I hope to become a wise investor like my mentors Reza Izad and Dan Weinstein one day as well.
Follow AJ Nubla’s Instagram on updates on how you could start your own business with his guidance here.
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