Jill Wright Coaches Mothers on Battling Burnout and Time Management Changing the ‘Self-Care’ Game


( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Wright Shares Podcast “Grow Like A Mother” And Her Book “Happy Healthy Wealthy and Wise”

ENSPIRE Contributor: Gabrielle Maya 

Jill Wright is a mother of four, a podcaster, an author, and an award-winning professional speaker. She helps mothers around the world create support systems. Through holistic and intuitive approaches, Wright wants to achieve effective management and self-discovery for her clients. She believes the “cookie-cutter” self-care narrative is harming mothers. Changing the self-care game, Wright guides mothers to show up for themselves and their children.

Rewriting the narrative, Wright shares her wisdom through her Superstytem for SuperMoms, finding a perspective where mothers can manage their time and families stress-free. Her podcast, Grow Like a Mother, where new guests and Wright herself share techniques that prioritize relaxation while juggling a business and family. Another form of guidance Wright shares is through her book “Happy Healthy Wealthy and Wise,” which is a collection of profound insight that is thought-provoking and unique, offering a human perspective that’s easy to digest. This self-help book assists mothers in setting goals and structuring a better mindset through habits and routines. Lastly, she offers coaching services, such as a 90-minute session to review time management and lifestyle changes.

Jill Wright

Following her journey, Wright will share her wake-up call into coaching mothers, what those coaching sessions entail, describe a supersystem, and how it helps navigate burnout. The exploration of the cookie-cutter narrative is discussed, and she shares its overuse and provides a sneak peek of her 3 critical workshops. Wright also shares her podcast experience, Grow Like a Mother, and essential advice about motherhood.

Share your wake-up call and how it led you to speak and coach mothers on managing motherhood, self-care, and battling burnout.

My journey began when I was in the depths of postpartum depression and anxiety, in a marriage without support from my spouse, trying to open a retail store during the pandemic with a newborn and a 2-year-old. For many reasons, my village was non-existent. I knew I couldn’t change my external circumstances, so I tried to piece together the support and resources I needed to get through this challenging season of life.

Right after the announcement of yet another extension to daycare closures during the early days of the pandemic, I hit rock bottom. I had two young kids and was housebound with no help. Overwhelm took over my body, and I collapsed on my kitchen floor, with NO IDEA of how I was supposed to get through it.

I felt lost and scared to ask for help, afraid of feeling selfish or judged. But as I studied productivity, planning, and habits, I realized time management and self-care for moms like us could (and needed to) look different.

I figured out a system that allowed me to tweak the traditional advice to fit my unique needs, personality, and circumstances. Now, I help other moms do the same. I wake up daily to the best version of myself, working on my schedule and moving through life confidently and clearly.

Explain what this supersystem is and how it helps navigate your burnout situation.

I refer to a SuperSystem as a personalized toolkit of tools, resources, and mindset shifts that I’ve curated based on an intense understanding of myself and my current situation. Knowing myself, honoring my unique needs and strengths, and accepting my season allows me to choose the best time management (and rest) strategies. I also bring intuition to how I practice self-care so it feels supportive instead of just another thing to do.

When we truly understand and accept our current situation and circumstances, along with our personality and preferences, we are able to put together a strategy that is customized to us. This gives us tailored support, and with that, we are much more likely to see immediate and sustainable benefits for battling our burnout and calling in balance.

In simple terms, what do your coaching sessions entail? How are your coaching sessions structured to help each person, specifically mothers?

I call the coaching sessions Time Magic. Over Zoom, I meet with the client for 90 minutes, taking breaks every 30-40 minutes to allow them to process and integrate the information. I start by giving the client a tactical tool to take control of their calendar. Feeling in control of this one piece often is the catalyst moms need to feel more in control of all areas of their lives! I teach my intuitive self-care strategy, and we explore what type of rest will most support them based on their energy type. Lastly, we dive deep into their unique personality, circumstances, and lifestyle to create their SuperSystem. Everything is summarized in an email for their reference whenever they need it, and after two weeks, we meet again for 20 minutes to celebrate what’s working, and I offer additional tools and tweaks if needed.

Please explain to us what the cookie-cutter narrative is and how it has harmed mothers. What examples of holistic approaches should women consider when beginning their journey of self-care and management?

The buzzword ‘self-care’ is overused and has lost its meaning. As mothers, we are inundated with posts about self-care and what it is supposed to look like, and we feel pressure to add time for ourselves to a schedule already bursting at the seams. It’s one more thing to do, and if we can even find the time to take for ourselves, we often don’t experience the benefits of so-called self-care because we’re just following a rote script of what we’re told self-care is supposed to be. It’s exhausting! Instead, I propose a spacious and pressure-free approach where (using my weekly planning framework) we easily carve out time each week for “self-care” and show up with no expectations of what we are supposed to do with that time. Instead, we listen to our bodies. We ask ourselves what we need right now, in this moment. And we permit ourselves to let our intuition lead our self-care time. Doing it this way re-connects us to ourselves. It allows us to feel rested and rejuvenated because we’re consciously giving ourselves what we need rather than following someone else’s formula.  

Your three Key Workshops are Accelerated Successes, Leading with Holistic Excellence, and Battling Burnout. Explain the purpose of each one and what participants can expect to gain from it.

Workshops are one of my favorite ways to connect with people because they are interactive. People walk away with tools they can use right away to start making a difference in their busy lives. 

My Accelerated Success workshop is tailored for working moms and focuses on uncovering and understanding our unique SuperMom type. The participants take my SuperMom quiz, and I walk them through my top tools for each SuperMom type. It’s perfect for teams because it gives everyone an insight into what strategies will work best for them and a framework for understanding each other! When team members and leaders are aware of the different strategies, it opens the door for collaboration and creativity within their organization.

In the Leading with Holistic Excellence workshop, we explore the four pillars of success from my book Happy Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. I lead participants through each pillar and teach them the tools that have made the most significant difference for me. In this workshop, I offer tools and insights that help ordinary people live extraordinary lives and how we can apply that to our role as leaders, whether in the workplace, the household, or the community.

Battling Burnout is an empowering and interactive workshop where participants discover and harness the unique tools they need to battle burnout in all areas of their lives successfully. I walk participants through my weekly planning framework, give rest advice based on their human design type, and show them how to bring intuition into their self-care practice. It’s a mini-group version of a Time Magic session.

Jill Wright

Tell us about The Village and how it has helped mothers find their sisters in arms as they support each other through family, motherhood, and individuality.

The Village is a nurturing community where moms find rest, connection, and balance. This online sisterhood helps moms not just survive motherhood but thrive in it. 

It’s helping moms to:

  • Build deep, meaningful connections with like-minded moms who genuinely understand their journey
  • Learn and grow from one another and expert teachers through weekly masterclasses, workshops, and group events
  • Join a supportive community where shared experiences and insights could be the key to transforming their life

How has your podcast Grow Like a Mother impacted listeners, and what have speakers shared that has been insightful for you and your audience?

The Grow Like a Mother podcast is structured specifically for busy moms! Episodes are under 30 minutes, so they are easy to consume on the school drop-off commute while walking the dog or tidying up the house for the 26th time that day. I bring in guests with expertise in all areas of life, and we talk about how we can use the information they share in our motherhood and growth journeys. Everything is tailored to offer listeners insights, education, and entertainment and give them ways to implement what they are learning about in their authentic mom life. We’ve had guests speak on topics ranging from dressing for the life you want to mindful interior design. Top episodes include advice on tuning into your intuition, tips to improve energy, and having it all without doing it all.

Do you have any essential tips and advice about motherhood, creating support systems, and self-care tailored to your needs?

My biggest tip is always to ask for help. No one can do it all, and we aren’t expected to. Much of that pressure is self-induced, and I’m here to change that narrative. Find your village, establish some boundaries, and accept help from loved ones. Finding creative ways to lighten your mental and physical load is the place to start, and from there, we have the space to bring in the tools you need to manage all areas of your life effectively. 

For more information on where you can seek Jill Wright’s services, visit https://jillwright.ca/ or follow her on Instagram. You can also buy her “Happy Healthy Wealthy and Wise” book by clicking here.

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