( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Learn More About Inspiring2Live and What Impact She Hopes To Leave
ENSPIRE Contributor: Elizabeth Casillas
After losing four family members during the coronavirus pandemic, author Renneè Hubb decided to launch Inspiring2Live to inspire others to believe in the power of love. This website sells attire and merchandise centered around positive phrases created to motivate and bring out the best in people. One of their most popular phrases is “Impact over Popularity,” a phrase that reminds the viewer the positive impact one leaves on the world is greater than the fame one attains.
The very first time the phrase “Inspiring2Live” was used by Hubb was during the aftermath of losing her nephew Marcus A. Godfrey. Godfrey left a positive impact on those who knew him and his life was an inspiration for many others to continue living. Hubb decided to use that phrase as the basis for her website, and it is a way of honoring Godfrey and honoring the legacy he left behind.

Starting a website was not easy, Hubb faced many obstacles when starting up her business. These included finding the right platform to share her message and merchandise. Adding to this, trademarking her idea was also another hurdle she had to jump through to get her website up and running. However, now that she has her website up, Hubb has made no plans to slow down. She hopes to start posting more inspiring moments on her website and adding in reviews and responses from people.
With this website, and this apparel, Hubb hopes to leave a positive impact on her audience, she wants them to stay inspired and leave a lasting impact on the world.

“Be encouraged and understand every day you wake up is another opportunity for you to pursue your dreams and purpose,” said Hubb.
Due to the nature of the website and what it means to people like Renneè Hubb, there is no question over its goals and future. It is a way for others to gain comfort through using merchandise and products that she envisions and sells. Readers can obtain “Impact Over Popularity” apparel and perfumes such as “Renee” through her website. To follow along on Hubb’s journey, readers can also find her on Instagram at @inspiring2live.