“Sleepovers”, Sofija’s New Single Delivers Soul-Revealing Lyrics


( ENSPIRE Music ) “Sleepovers” is a Single from Experience

ENSPIRE Contributor: Madesen Amadeo

Sofija’s new single “Sleepovers” displays a series of her introspections caused by heartbreak. The lyrics follow Sofija’s stream of uncontrollable thoughts as she tries to make sense of her feelings of sadness, while also making a pivot towards a mentality of empowerment and profound self-love. Her choice of lyrics, along with her vocal performance, illustrates a newfound sense of strength that arose from a heartbreak that forced her to choose herself.

Sleepovers” was released on January 6, 2023. “This song is sort of like a diary entry for me. There are a lot of different thoughts and feelings that come into play when you’re trying to process the hurt caused by someone, while also trying to not let it break you. I wanted to show how complicated that journey can be. Although the catalyst for this story was a heartbreak, I wanted to share more about the transformation within myself that ensued. I think that’s much more interesting and important.”

What got you interested in music and did you always want to become a musician?

I have been super interested in music since I was a child, and always had the feeling that I knew this was what I wanted to do full-time as a career. Both of my parents were musicians as well, so I was always surrounded by creative musical energy, and they fully supported and fostered my desire to get into the same field.

Who has been your biggest supporter throughout your journey?

I’ve been so fortunate to have many people in my community in my corner, but I’d definitely say my mom and little brother have been there through it all and have been the most supportive. They’ve had unwavering confidence in me, and it has gone a long way.

How did the idea for “Sleepovers” come about?

I wrote Sleepovers several years ago after a situationship ended for me. I wanted to include the detail of that event to portray it as a catalyst for the other themes in the song regarding the experience of finding myself and learning what I like and don’t like when it comes to dating and protecting myself throughout that process. However, I didn’t want the situation with that boy to be the focus of the song. That being said, I hopefully conveyed the other emotions that come along with that feeling of figuring out the next steps in life after an event like that happens. I wanted to show the inner dialogue that occurs when we are still heartbroken while trying to navigate expressing confidence and acknowledgment of high self-worth.

Who is one artist whom you draw inspiration from?

There are so many, but I feel that Jhené Aiko has been a huge inspiration for me, especially when it comes to her display of honest and unfiltered thoughts as seen in her lyrics. 

Do you have any other new projects fans can expect for this year?

Yes! I have a new single that will be coming out very soon. Please be on the lookout for that within the next couple of months!

Since Sofija’s release of her first single “Right Next to You” in 2021, she has made strides as a rising star in the indie music scene. In 2023, Sofija plans to continue sharing her music by performing at venues throughout Los Angeles. She is excited to put out new soul-searching music this year and expand her fanbase as an independent artist.

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