Raeha Kim Empowers Audiences with Raeha Vision TV Streaming Platform


( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Kim’s Passion For Fashion And Food, And Luxurious Experience Led To The Creation of Raeha Vision TV

ENSPIRE Contributor: Gabrielle Maya 

Raeha Kim is the visionary behind a new streaming platform, Raeha Vision TV, reshaping the entertainment industry. Raeha Vision TV allows viewers to feel represented in many forms, offering exclusive high-end lifestyle experiences in fashion, arts, luxury, and entertainment. “I am excited to embark on this journey. Raeha Vision TV has been in the making for a very long time,” said Raeha Kim, Esq. The goal of the streaming platform is to uplift and empower global audiences. Raeha Vision TV is set to launch in the spring of 2025.

Kim is a licensed attorney in New York with pending licensure in Georgia. She specializes in entertainment, fashion, and business law, among other things. Beyond her legal practice, Kim is passionate about Korean culture, entrepreneurship, public speaking, and storytelling. An impactful woman beyond the screen, Kim will provide financial opportunities through events and work development for thousands of workers, creators, musicians, artists, entertainment, entrepreneurship, and culture bearers.

Raeha Kim

Her chief executive officer experience leading the Millennials Chamber of Commerce (MC2) has equipped Kim with the strategic vision and operational expertise needed to successfully build and grow Raeha Vision TV. Kim is an active volunteer and founding board member of the Entertainment Tourism Alliance of Georgia. She speaks on diversity, equity inclusion, multicultural identity, financial literacy, and women’s empowerment, addressing the needs of the multi-generational and next-gen workforce. Kim offers legal expertise to help community and entrepreneurial growth whenever she can.

Kim shares her journey from becoming a licensed attorney to creating Raeha Vision TV. She continues to discuss her expertise in Korean culture, entertainment, fashion, and law with us and how it led to the Raeha TV platform, its sponsorship packages, and so much more. 

Share your journey from licensed attorney to envisioning the Millennials Chamber of Commerce through your passions beyond legal practice.

I thought I would go to law school, focus on entertainment law, and become a partner at a law firm. After my first year of law school, I went on medical leave, and I had time for some soul-searching to figure out my life after law school. I already knew a legal career would not be the end-all for me, and I would have other business ventures.

I created the Millennial Chamber of Commerce to serve the needs of younger members in their 20s and 30s. Younger members felt invisible at networking events because they were not part of a chairman‘s club and had not reached a certain level in business. Traditional chambers of commerce were geared towards more established older members, and these institutions did not meet the needs of younger members.

I served as the youngest board member on the US Pan Asian Chamber of Commerce, Southeast chapter, in Atlanta, Georgia. I hosted our annual conference at Coca-Cola headquarters with a handful of young members under 30.

What financial opportunities do you give various artistic individuals, and what events have you participated in or created so far to help?

As the chief executive officer of a previous business venture, I enjoyed providing financial opportunities to different staff members. I hope to offer financial opportunities to various artists under Raeha Vision TV. My new venture is in an early stage of development, and I will launch this streaming platform in 2025.

We have a talented team of content creators 1) who will attend events, 2) create content and 3) reap the financial rewards from their content.  We have started this process on a smaller scale, and my goal is to scale and grow Raeha Vision TV into a sustainable business venture.

How has your expertise in Korean culture, entertainment, fashion, and business law, combined with public speaking and sharing stories, led you to your streaming platform, Raeha Vision TV?

 I am not sure how the process for the streaming platform came to be, but it just developed over time.  I think I have lived my life planning and planning until learning that you can’t plan the intricate details of life. 

I was born in South Korea. 

I grew up in my mom‘s hair salon and loved watching TV with her customers. I loved storytelling, story-sharing, law, and fashion as a child. My mom used to do my hair every day going to school, and she always told me: “the minute you walk out the door, you’re a brand, and everybody’s watching.” My mom was very savvy with her sense of fashion and style.

My family immigrated to America. I learned English as a second language in the fourth grade at P.S. 211 in Queens.  My first public speaking engagement as a fifth grader just happened:  1) I wanted to learn the language, and 2) I also wanted to act it out. I wanted to look cute acting out a character on stage, and I wanted to have fun doing it, and I wanted to win, so it’s just something that organically took place for me.

For a while in high school, I considered becoming a fashion designer because I love fashion and style so much. After some soul-searching, I thought I could make a difference, give a voice, and protect the rights of other immigrants. I found a cool way of combining my passions—fashion and entertainment.

Raeha Vision TV is an evolution of my personal experiences. It was more centered around organic development, like a formula-driven process of trying to come up with something. My streaming platform will share amazing meals and amazing conversations with like-minded people for uplifting stories. 

Raeha Kim

Share with us your Sponsorship packages, what makes them different, and how they impact your streaming experience.

We are an early-stage startup, and our sponsorship package reflects our company’s growth. We are intentional about forming alliances and partnerships with sponsors who align with our core values. We want to partner with fashion, luxury, lifestyle, and food brands. 

Our sponsorship packages are more than just throwing up a logo or having a ‘this episode is sponsored by’ company. They are unique because we work with brands to create content to reach new customers.

Could you tell us more details about The Raeha Show and The Raeha Podcast and what you hope viewers will take away from both segments and Raeha Vision TV

The Raeha Show is about sharing unfiltered, authentic stories of amazing guests from many walks of life. Guests will share empowering stories of how they beat the odds, overcame challenges, and setbacks to develop new opportunities. Our interview will feel almost like a natural hangout conversation that flows organically between two people who genuinely enjoy each other’s company while sharing life nuggets.  

Raeha Vision Podcast will be similar, but with more guests and an even more laid-back setting. The podcast will share more advice and insight in a conversational format with multiple guests.

Visit Raeha Vision TV to learn more about the new streaming platform.

Follow the Millennials Chamber of Commerce on LinkedIn or Instagram to learn about workforce development opportunities. Prepare for the Raeha Vision Podcast, which will be on the streaming platform. For more information on Raeha Vision TV, visit https://www.raehavisiontv.com/

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