( ENSPIRE Community Spotlight ) Bridgett Garratt & Colleen Rosenblum Host “Hot Flashes & Cool Topics”
ENSPIRE Contributor: Gabrielle Maya
When it comes to menopause, there are growing conversations about it when you start to experience the symptoms. However, post-menopausal discussions are left in the dust; no one talks about them. Colleen Rosenblum and Bridgett Garratt, who host the “Hot Flashes & Cool Topics” Podcast, want to bring light to the post-menopausal period. Their description of post-menopause is the most freeing and empowering time of their lives. Both businesswomen believe that post-menopausal, you gain the privilege of putting yourself first, walking away from competition, and pursuing your goals and dreams with newfound vigor and passion.
Rosenblum and Garratt believe post-menopause is the key to increased revenue. They discuss and share perspectives for female business owners and creators in that position and tips and strategies to navigate it. Both are the voices of women from midlife and beyond through their podcast “Hot Flashes & Cool Topics.” Both women shared their partnership and creation of the podcast, their route to TV, other content they post, and the takeaway from post-menopausal discussions. From helping their audience find safe spaces and communities within the post-menopausal world to joining the over 50 community app, Rosenblum and Garratt want to educate us and their viewers on the vulnerable yet hush-hush topic.

Tell us about your partnership in creating this podcast: how you met and what seed sprouted that led to “Hot Flashes & Cool Topics” being born and featured on TV.
We moved into our community just outside of Nashville around the same time and quickly became friends. One day in 2019, we were at lunch discussing, as usual, things that are important to women in midlife and beyond. A friend of ours had a different brand podcast, and she asked if we had found any podcasts that spoke to our demographic.
At that time, there were no real discussions of menopause and midlife on any podcasts we could find, so we decided to create our own. With no prior experience, we got to work. You see, women over 50 are not afraid to try new things, and if we can’t find a solution, we will create our own. We could not have imagined being at the starting gate of this huge menopause conversation.
We found experts and trailblazing women eager to talk about this time of life and share advice on health, relationships, careers, and much more. We also quickly discovered an audience eager to listen. Peri- and postmenopausal women are often ignored in society and especially the media. We struck a nerve, and women were excited to learn more.
Our guests began to include more notable experts and celebrities. As a result, the media started to notice us. We began on other podcasts and then segments on NBC and ABC, and recently, we were guests on the Over 50 & Fabulous Show on QVC. We had over 1 million people watch in the first two days.
“Hot Flashes & Cool Topics” also has a YouTube Channel. Other than your insightful podcast discussion, what other content do you share with your audience on the post-menopausal experience?
We decided early on that women like to see relatable content on social media. We began posting about our lives, relationships with friends, empty nesting, life adventures, and tips on fashion and skincare. We are now adding YouTube Lives, where we will continue to discuss topics that midlife women want to know.
We also have a weekly newsletter that showcases our guest of the week, current research on that particular topic, Brands We Love, and our YouTube shorts/videos. Anyone interested can sign up on our website, hotflashescooltopics.com
The topic of menopause is constantly discussed, as are the misconceptions, symptoms, and supportive spaces on the subject when starting. However, post-menopause isn’t discussed. Based on your experience and what you have learned and shared through your podcast, what do you hope listeners, specifically post-menopausal individuals, take away from your discussions?
We want women to understand that the roller coaster ride of menopause does have an ending. It does not last forever, and then you can create this fantastic future. Many women look to the past so often that it blocks their view of the future. We want women to know that they are not invisible, that self-care is ok and not selfish, and that plenty of life experiences are ahead. The first step is getting out of their comfort zone.
Not only are we post-menopausal, but many of our guests are post-menopausal women as well. We have noticed some common attributes that they all seem to share:
- While they appreciate their past experiences, they are forward-focused.
- They understand that their physical and mental well-being must be a priority.
- They are constantly seeking, whether learning new things or rediscovering prior passions.
- They are more selective with their friendships and put their energy into positive relationships.
- They love new experiences, including exploring local spots or traveling to new places.

Any advice on how to find safe spaces and communities to talk about post-menopause and normalize those conversations?
Of course, they can join our Facebook Group. It is a private group where women can ask questions and share personal experiences. There are groups on some Telehealth platforms, including Midi and Alloy, which welcome women in peri- or post-menopause. We recently wrote an article called “Have you ever noticed that a simple coffee date with female friends can change your entire day?” It is true! The power of conversations between women makes us feel seen and heard and, most of all, not alone.
Tell us about the over 50 community app, how individuals can sign up, and what this app offers.
The over-50 community app is on hold for now. The best way to connect with other women is at our events, on our social media, or in our newsletter. Our next event is in Nashville on December 12th, where we are moderating a panel of several women who created the documentary The M Factor. You can guess the subject of the documentary. Additional events can be found on our website, www.hotflashescooltopics.com.
What is the best advice for future podcast creators who want to educate others about women’s health and wellness, specifically post-menopausal discussions?
There is so much information on social media. Some of it is wonderful, but some can be misleading. Don’t believe everything that you read or that is sold to you. Make sure to find experts in their fields. If you don’t know where to start, go to menopause.org for a list of certified physicians. Also, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. There are lots of great podcasts out there that you can learn from, and you can always contact the hosts with questions. We have found the podcasting world to be an extremely supportive community. You can listen to our podcast for free on any podcast platform or reach out to us at hotflashescooltopics@gmail.com with any questions.
The “Hot Flashes & Cool Topics” Podcast was the 2024 Innovations Award Winner at the Sonic Bloom Awards and the official 2024 Webby Awards nominee. It has been seen on ABC, NBC, Woman’s World, and QVC. To listen to their “Hot Flashes & Cool Topics” Podcast, visit https://hotflashescooltopics.com/. You can stream on Spotify and follow their Instagram page for more updates. To sign up for the over 50 community app, click here.
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