( ENSPIRE Man Code 101) The National Men’s Prayer Call Is All About Men’s Spiritual and Personal Development
ENSPIRE Contributor: Anastasia Hanna
The National Men’s Prayer Call is a public community that was founded by Dr. Kenneth Greene, Sr. Pastor at Metro Christ Church, Pastor SeDerrick Raphiel, Sr. Pastor at The Harvest Church, Johnny Mack, founder of Get Published Successfully, Reggie Tinner, and Benny Franklin, executive business coach/speaker with The John Maxwell Group. This global ministry was formed to provide men with an opportunity to worship together and pray for each other. It is a forum to exchange reports of praise and requests for prayer. On a journey to promote knowledge of the body of Christ, NMPC teaches that after men are saved, they need to establish themselves individually, emotionally, and strategically so that they can mature into the caliber and character of men oriented towards the Kingdom.
What are some tools and resources for navigating through a pandemic?
Some tools and resources for navigating through a pandemic are:
- Getting accustomed to operating virtually, and developing a routine for eating, exercising, and meditation/prayer.
- Practice positive self-talk and affirmations
- Take the time to unplug and refocus being in control of what you are taking in and (food, books, and television).
Has the NMPC been affected by the pandemic? If so, how and in what ways is the group working around this obstacle?
- Yes, NMPC has been affected much like everyone else. Our main goal is to keep the dialogue open amongst the admin team for ways to expand the ministry. It very important for us to stay open to different perspectives about how to expand our reach to men all over the world.
- The pandemic has affected us all. Whether finically, physical, or emotional, the pandemic has stretched us in ways we never thought possible. From having to learn new technology to different ways of communicating, we have all enrolled in the School of Hard Knocks Class of 2020 because of this pandemic. We are working around these obstacles by educating ourselves and becoming creative by being open to the use of new software.
What other challenges have the NMPC faced, and how have those challenges been overcome?
- NMPC is a group of individuals who all work full-time jobs as well as balancing a family life. It can be a challenge at times trying to get everyone together at the same time as we all have very different schedules. Our main goal is to stay focused on giving the weekly attention to our audience and making sure we can show up and serve no matter the circumstance.
Why is it important for men, specifically, to have a spiritual support system?
- Great question! Men in general, internalize emotionally challenging things. Men are taught to keep their feelings inside and to be tough and show no signs of weakness. We teach men that it is okay to show emotion and remember that your help comes from the Lord. In order to be a leader and show up as a Man of God, you must have a spiritual connection to the father. NMPC shines the spotlight on the fact that we are spiritual beings, and through this realm is how we grow our relationship with God (who is a spirit)!
- Men often become victims because they want to be loners. They have problems with being vulnerable and asking for help. We have been conditioned to believe that we don’t need help. The strong man is strong because of who he surrounds himself with. He realizes that there is strength in numbers, and for these reasons and sometimes pressures that come along with being a man, it’s very important to have a spiritual support system.

Has there been an increase of men reaching out for prayer during the pandemic?
- Yes, there has been an increase of prayer requests on and offline. We believe most people in general have increased their prayers due to the events that have taken place this year.
As a result of prayer requests increasing, NMPC has made it a point to reach out to their audience and let men know that it’s OK to not only need help but to ask for it as well.
What are some of the ways in which the NMPC is spreading awareness of the body of Christ?
- Consistency is the most effective way that the NMPC spreads awareness of the Body of Christ. Faithfully sharing God’s life-changing message and showcasing that men are not alone in their walk with God. Due to COVID-19, we are not able to be face to face out in the community, however, we are showing up online each week on FB and YT doing our part to reach the masses.
From 7 A.M. to 7:30 A.M. CST, every Tuesday and Thursday, men can join the live call on Facebook for prayer, to receive an uplifting message, and to be a part of a national movement for prayer enhancement. They also go Facebook Live on their local radio show on Saturday mornings from 11:00 P.M. on Heaven 97 KHVN radio, 970 AM, in Dallas, TX. The NMPC also appears on internet radio with Ed Gray The Commish on the Fishbowl Radio Network. To learn more about The National Men’s Prayer Call group, you can visit their website here.
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