( ENSPIRE Business ) The Dowe Twins Are Making Waves With Their Business Aspirations
ENSPIRE Contributor: Naba Wahid & Anastasia Hanna
No strangers to stigma regarding mental health, the Dowe twins have transcended all barriers to making a difference in their community. In the past, the two have launched a successful company and brand called Water 2 Kids, geared towards providing clean and healthy drinking water to children—a consumer base that is not as regularly engaged in healthy hydration. More recently, the two have pioneered a workbook designed to make at-home learning fun and engaging.
The workbook Think You’re Smarter Than the Dowe Twins? has been an active passion project for the twins and incorporates their own research and questions to encourage other kids to stay curious, even during the difficulties of the pandemic.

The twins, Brazil and Princeton—both 12-years-old—have strong ambitions moving forward with their brand and future business aspirations. Princeton explains that their schedule involves “coming home from school and working on the business every day,” which would overwhelm many adults, yet the two youth have few complaints and are proud of their efforts. Brazil describes, “When starting a business [it] is not always going to be easy because you have to work hard to make your business a big brand so you can do more because no one else is going to do it for you, and you should not give up because that’s not gonna bring you or your business in a better place.”
Their parents have played a key role in helping the two advance their career ambitions. “Our parents have been involved with our business a lot recently,” Brazil writes. “Both of our parents are there to support us and help us with a lot of things involving the business.”

The two have also taken hold of social media to expand their brand, but the road to an online following has not been easy. “Social media has helped us a little bit, but on the other side, we noticed that a lot of people don’t like to follow positive kids.”
Princeton has advice for kids wanting to get involved with business. “I would tell kids who want to start a business to think about what they want to do so you can have an idea of how to push your brand and uplift yourself.”

In spite of the challenges of COVID-19 this year, the Dowe twins are making strong waves in their community by encouraging a departure from traditional mental health stigma, a return to healthy lifestyles, and active pursuits of entrepreneurship—no matter the age.
Want to keep updated with the Dowe Twins? Check out their website!
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