R&B Singer/Songwriter JAWAN.mp3 Released Heartfelt New Single ‘Get Back’


( ENSPIRE Features ) An R&B Mood, JAWAN.mp3 Promotes Self-Love After Heartbreak

ENSPIRE Contributor: Charlotte Drummond 

JAWAN.mp3 is an up-and-coming R&B singer/songwriter dominating the virtual music scene. Ever since the release of his most recent EP, “The Abstract,” which came out in November of last year, JAWAN.mp3 has been garnering streams from music platforms and social media. The EP debuted in the Top 10 of the iTunes R&B chart and has accumulated over 150,000 streams. 

His latest single, “Get Back,” explores the wide variety of emotions you deal with after getting your heart broken and delves into learning how to love and trust yourself again when you feel the most hopeless about love. The positive message about learning to become the best version of yourself after feeling like you’re at your lowest is refreshing, and JAWAN.mp3 hopes that his audience can relate to and even learn from this take on the post-breakup healing phase. 

ENSPIRE Magazine talked with JAWAN.mp3 about his experiences as a singer/songwriter, especially in the age of social media.  

How has your musical journey evolved over the years? What motivated you to start, and how has music changed since then?

When I first started making music, it was something I did for fun. I’ve always been creative, and music was the easiest way for me to express myself. And then, I learned that it could help me better understand parts of me I hadn’t fully figured out. So now, a lot of my music is literally me processing through my thoughts and feelings. Music has become so personal. I don’t know who I’d be without it.

Who are your most influential inspirations in music and in everything?

I’m really inspired by artists like Babyface, Usher, Maxwell, and Brandy. They’ve always been great examples of what it means to be excellent. And that’s what I strive to be in every area of my life and career.

On April 8, you released your most recent single, “Get Back.” Why did you want to write about reconnecting with yourself after experiencing heartbreak, and what led you to write a positive spin on a breakup song?

Well, I need a little more than just a broken heart after a breakup. Man, let me at least get a good song out of it! Kidding. But “Get Back” really helped me work through some difficult feelings after my last situation didn’t work out. It left me wondering what it takes to get back to someone who could love again after believing I had already found the one. If you listen, I never actually get the answer, and I think that’s because, honestly, I’m still figuring it out.

What do you find most fulfilling about pursuing music as a career? What can be frustrating at times?

The most fulfilling thing about pursuing music is the creative process. I love what I do. It gets me up in the morning and leaves me restless at night. But what can be frustrating is everything that happens outside of the music. A lot of times, I just want to make great songs, and everything else feels secondary. But I’m learning how to balance.

Your viral single “Only Want U” has over 15,000 TikTok videos and over 20 million combined views on the platform. How have social media platforms like TikTok become a part of sharing your music to a broader audience?

You know, I come from a small town in Mississippi with a population of about 24,000. So without social media, I wouldn’t have been able to reach these millions of people around the world. I still can’t believe that many people have heard my songs. But that’s the power of this tool.

Cover for EP “The Abstract”

JAWAN.mp3 is authentically sharing his story through music as a singer/songwriter, and he can’t wait to share more of it with the world. His newest EP, “The Expansion,” is coming out soon and will feature “Get Back,” extended versions of songs from “The Abstract,” and even more new songs. You can stream “Get Back” now on all major streaming services, and you can keep up-to-date with JAWAN.mp3 by following his profiles on Instagram here and TikTok here

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