( ENSPIRE She Did That ) A New Book Giving Insight into Purchasing Choices on Social Media
ENSPIRE Contributor: Joei Chan
Olivia Gunn, an entrepreneur and owner of Olivia Gunn PR & Communications from Atlanta, is excited to announce her newest book, “Social Media and Business: Influencing Buying Decisions of Millennial and Gen Z Consumers”. A native of Columbus, GA, Gunn established her own business in 2019, intending to help small businesses and organizations grow their communication strategies effectively to enlarge and expand their brand. Alongside her business, Gunn became the host of a radio show, “Live with Olivia Gunn”, which ran from 2018 to 2021.
The book, published in December 2022, helps readers understand how both millennial and Gen Z cultures, values, and factors could impact their buying decisions, alongside how to market both generations. Not just that, but how social media can influence these generations’ purchasing habits. With her background of owning her own business and her degrees in public relations, communications, and business management, Olivia Gunn’s book proves to be credible and true to today’s world.

What inspired you (or prompted you) to write a book regarding this topic matter?
I was inspired to write this book after studying social media marketing while working toward my master’s degree. I’m a millennial consumer and business owner myself, so I was interested in learning the role social media plays in influencing my generation and younger to support certain brands. I did extensive research on the topic and learned that my generation and Gen Z make up a huge part of the nation’s population and are also a large percentage of active social media users. I wanted to share what I learned with other business owners as a tool to help with their social media marketing efforts.

What do you hope your readers will take out of this book?
I hope my readers gain insight into how they can better reach and influence their audience using social media, which will help to maintain and expand their brand.
What are the types of small businesses that you help develop their communication strategies?
Olivia Gunn PR & Communications has been privileged to work with businesses, ranging from fitness centers to catering services, and solo entrepreneurs. Independent music artists and ministries have also been among our clients. Whether you have a large audience or a handful, communication with your audience is key!

How do you feel this book will reach your target audience? Do you think other generations will benefit from this book?
I’m confident that my book will reach my target audience and after reading it, they will apply some concepts in their communication strategies. My audience is mainly millennial and Gen Z members, so it will be like receiving a tool from their peers. I think other generations will also benefit from my book as it also delves into the evolution of social media.
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