( ENSPIRE Mind, Body & Soul ) Morgan Harper Nichols Has Published Two Books of Poetry and Posts Daily Images of Poems and Art on Instagram
ENSPIRED Contributor: Kyla Yates
At the center of Morgan Harper Nichols’ creative work is her interactions with others. Morgan’s work is often based on other people’s stories. Morgan encourages and asks others to share their stories with her, and she will then create poetry and art inspired by the story.
Morgan’s first book, “Storyteller: 100 Poem Letters,” was published in 2017 and features 100 “Poem Letters,” Morgan wrote to various people. Each poem’s title explains who the poem’s letter is written to. The first poem is for the storyteller.
Photo by Kyla Yates
Morgan explains that this book is based on her original song, “Storyteller,” track one on her first studio album “Morgan Harper Nichols.” The lyrics of the chorus read:
“The mountain where I climbed,
the valley where I fell,
you were there all along,
that’s the story I’ll tell.
You brought the pieces together
and made me this storyteller,
no I know it is well, it is well,
that’s the story I’ll tell.”
-“Storyteller” song by Morgan Harper Nichols
Morgan’s second book, “All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living,” was published this past January. This book features her artwork as well as her poetry and is much like a print version of her Instagram feed.
Photo by @morganharpernichols on Instagram
Morgan lives with her husband and son in California. Morgan released her first studio album, “Morgan Harper Nichols,” in 2015. Follow Morgan at @morganharpernichols on Instagram, and submit a story on her website morganharpernichols.com. Find her studio and shop at garden24.co.