( ENSPIRE Entertainment ) Club House Global Is Partnering With Certain Talents And Organizations To Provide Information And Resources For Voters
ENSPIRE Contributor: Elizabeth Casillas
Founded by music influencer, Jasmine Solano, Club House Global is taking a stand in support of voting during this upcoming election.
Club House Global started in the wake of Covid-19 to offer support to the DJ’s, bartenders, promoters and sound/ lighting engineers. These workers found themselves with no reliable source of income, and no safety net to fall back on. Online streaming events have tried to get them involved, but they have had issues with streaming and service interruptions during these live performances. To solve this issue, the online streaming platform, Club House Global, was born. They are a for-profit organization focused on building a sense of community and turn nightlife into a virtual format.

Club House Global hosts parties every week with a unique set of DJs, musicians, and dancers from various different genres. These parties go hand-in-hand with brands and important causes.
CHG has also been active in giving back to the community and donating to charities with each stream they host. Out of the revenue they receive, 75% goes to the performers and helpers, 15% goes to CHG and they give the rest to different charities and organizations. Since April, Club House Global has donated $20,000 to a multitude of good causes.
With the upcoming election, Club House Global is streaming special content and information for voters to be more well-informed on Election Day.

During September and October, CHG is adding voter registration information and messages during their programming. This will include panels with cultural commentators, community leaders, and issue experts on the topic of voting and this democratic process. During this time, Club House Global is also going to partner with curators and organizations who also have a strong perspective on voting and making your voice be heard.
During these voting awareness sessions, CHG will be providing viewers with QR codes full of information on voting and how to register to vote. Making it easy for their audience to properly educate themselves and be prepared during Election Day.