( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Owner Of Doretha White Entities, Inc
ENSPIRE Contributor: Gabrielle Maya
Doretha White is an entrepreneur, business coach, writer, publisher, luxury travel advisor, course creator, and philanthropist. She may be known for guiding new business owners in the right direction, but now White has a book to help millennials. Adulting is that term where millennials describe adult responsibilities that are expected of them and some of it can be jarring and intimidating. All the Stuff Your Parents Meant to Teach You but Never Got Around To It is her life hack guidebook for ages 6 to 25 that teaches them basic life skills.
White wanted to ensure her son was prepared for the real world and to be successful. Here you have a guidebook with resources for teens and young adults that focus on 8 key life-related areas: self-care, adult responsibilities, health & wellness, self-improvement, financial decisions, academic and professional skills, relationships, and personal safety. Doretha White took the time to talk about herself and career, her reasons and writing process for this guidebook, and to delve deeper into the essentaial 8 key skills of adulting life.

Tell us about yourself and what you do for a living.
I grew up in the beautiful state of Virginia, where I attended public schools in Rappahannock County and graduated from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from The College of William & Mary. I have a background in education. I have been a classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal, teacher development specialist, and college instructor. I am now a full-time entrepreneur. My company is called Doretha White Entities, Inc. It houses my writing, publishing, business coaching services, and digital course offerings.
What were your reasons for writing All the Stuff Your Parents Meant to Teach You but Never Got Around To It?
As a parent of two young adults, I consider my kids my greatest teachers. I learn and glean so much from just watching their lives and also talking and listening to them. I realize that most parents think that they believe they are doing or have done a pretty good job in raising their kids, but the truth is, all kids have gaps. They have areas of inexperience and a lack of knowledge that show up in their everyday lives. I wanted to write a book that would be considered the ultimate life hack guidebook for teens and young adults.
What was your writing process when assembling this life hack guidebook?
This book took 3 1/2 years to complete, and I actually started over twice! I did not want it to reach like a textbook. I wanted it to feel like your mentor or favorite auntie was talking to you and giving you wisdom. My process entailed making a list of all the things that I wanted to make sure my children had a good understanding of. The list grew to over 150 lessons then I cut it to 101. I organized the list into eight broad topics, which became the 8 sections of the book. I spent anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 or 5 hours writing each day, starting in March 2020 during the pandemic. I felt it was the first time in years that I had uninterrupted blocks of time to think and write. The ideas just flowed! I interweave a lot of stories from my kids’ lives and also wisdom from my own parents.
If possible, explain briefly these 8 key skills that you focus on in your book and why they are important.
The eight sections are self-care, personal adult responsibilities, health & wellness, self-improvement, financial, academic/professional/vocational skills, relationships, and personal safety. Self-care is all about what it takes to be fully responsible for one’s well-being- everything from how to choose a doctor or dentist to how to build an in-home first aid kit.
The personal adult responsibilities section covers things that we as adults are responsible for knowing and doing, like maintaining car insurance and doing your laundry. Health & Wellness is about learning to pay attention to and taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. The self-improvement section provides over 15 ideas to build yourself into a better version of yourself. The financial section is about handling your money correctly and preparing for your first major purchases, such as a car or house.
The academic/vocational/professional section helps to prepare you for work and a meaningful career. The relationship section is filled with advice on every kind of relationship, not just romantic ones. Last, personal safety gives tips for staying safe at home and abroad.
In your professional opinion, why do you think millennials have difficulty grasping important ‘adulting’ life skills?
I actually don’t think that young adults have a hard time grasping adulting skills at all. The real problem is that those skills are NOT being intentionally taught anywhere. Not in school. Not in church. Not in the community. But I feel that I’m here to change all that! This book is a tool. It is a conversation starter between parents and teens.
You’re an entrepreneur and business coach, what types of workshops are you currently working on and what can we expect to learn?
My focus now is completing the curriculum that is being developed based on the book. I want the curriculum to be in high schools, churches, and organizations all across the country. I want to see and hear about young adults who say that the book changed their lives for the better.
All the Stuff Your Parents Meant to Teach You but Never Got Around to It is a 101 interactive book with journal-styled lessons. This guidebook is a stepping stone into adulthood and will give young adults and teens confidence. Several universities have picked this up across the country. For more information about Doretha White go to her Instagram or visit https://www.dorethawhite.com/.
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