( ENSPIRE Business ) Founder And Retired Major Eric Dominijanni Donates A Portion Of Proceeds To Operation Gratitude
ENSPIRE Contributor: Gabrielle Maya
After a 20-year military career with three tours in Iraq and two in Okinawa, Eric Dominijanni began mixing good scotches from his collection that would soon become his “Infinity Bottle.” now called Fior Scotch. He is the founder behind Fior Scotch, the only U.S. veteran-owned Scotch and Black-owned Scotch available in the market. It started when Dominijanni communicated with James Landis, known for successfully launching and growing brands like Hpnotiq. They could help recreate the taste, aroma, and smoothness of the original “infinity bottle” blend, which is now Fior, considered a clean and balanced flavor profile—the exceptional quality and the journey that led to its creation. Fior is a super-premium, hand-crafted, small-batch blend of Highland and Speyside scotches launched in 2023.
Eric Dominijanni is a retired marine major and classically trained chef who studied in the U.S., Thailand, and Singapore and was featured on Throwdown with Bobby Flay. With every bottle of Fior Scotch purchased, a portion of the proceeds goes directly to the Operation Gratitude, which supports veterans and their families. The name Fior comes from the Scottish Gaelic fior ghlan, meaning pure. People will appreciate the clean and balanced flavor profile. With a deep, rich maple color with hints of rich vanilla and vampire smoke, Fior Scotch is a rounded palate with notes of oak, chocolate, soft spices, and a smooth finish. Each bottle boasts a high malt/grain content of 40% and is produced and bottled in small batches in Scotland.

Eric Dominijanni talks about his experimentation with mixing drinks, his training as a chef, making Fior, his collaboration with James Landis, and Operation Gratitude.
How did your experimentation with mixing scotches come to fruition?
I am a trained chef and have been in the kitchen creating happiness since I could reach the stove (on a stool). I make my mead, bread, ice cream, beer, etc. The next step in this progression was to delve into spirits. After graduating from scotches and having a nice-sized collection of scotches in my liquor cabinet, I started an infinity/legacy bottle. I used the flavor profiles that I believed/felt would create the most balanced blend that my friends and guests would enjoy. I had to create a blend that everyone would enjoy. Something not extreme or lacking. It’s not too peaty or smokey or mild. FIOR is a great example of an exceptionally well-balanced and smooth blend.
Has mixing drinks been considered a hobby now your life’s work? If so have you done it before or after your military service?
Cooking, making mead, ale, beer, etc has never been a “hobby.” It has been a passion. It is in my blood. It is what I do when I am in a good mood, a bad mood when I am upset or happy. More than creating a great meal or drink, I love to see the look of enjoyment on a person’s face when they taste my carbonara, mead, or now… FIOR!!!
What recreation process made Fior the clean, balanced scotch taste and aroma it is today?
I followed the old Marine adage of KISS (Keep it Simple, Stoopit). I used scotches that were not necessarily the best but were the best for the blend I created. I tried to balance flavor profiles so the blend would be manageable to one person yet unimpressive to someone else.
How has the James Landis collaboration helped bring Fior Scotch publicity?
Having a friend and partner like Jim, with generational experience in the spirits industry and well-known labels such as Hypnotiq and Finlandia in his personal and familial portfolios, has been a tremendous boon in getting the name of FIOR recognized. Without him, FIOR would have ended when my legacy/infinity bottle was empty. Several individuals have said FIOR is a solid product with tremendous potential, but they should have taken me or FIOR seriously as they viewed it as a fly-by-night spirit. When I mentioned my affiliation with Jim Landis, they were more receptive to the FIOR story and brand.
What Programs and services does Operation Gratitude offer to help support veterans and their families?
Operation Gratitude allows citizens to express their gratitude to our Military and first responders by showing recognition and thanks for their hard work and efforts. OP serves as a conduit between these thankful citizens and service members/first responders, providing care packages containing everything from creature comfort items to those little things that boost morale. OP has supported me personally during three deployments and the time in between back in the States. I have become a personal friend to its founder, Carolyn Blashek, and eventually a fellow Marine to her son, who joined the Marine Corps towards the end of my career.
If possible, please explain briefly your military journey and how your experiences influenced your contribution to Operation Gratitude.
I was far from spoiled, but I knew that my efforts and experiences earned me the right to at least have something “better.” This was NOT just for me but for all of us who serve and have served. Numerous times, I have been in the most austere of places and taught myself to relish the “flavor” of cold water or enjoy a much-needed “shower” from a leaking water can be held above you in the middle of some desert. These things are priceless when deployed or in the field, BUT when back home and out in town.
I often found it exceptionally difficult to find service, a meal, or a drink that I believed was worthy of my sacrifice. Sometimes, the expectations of a straight haircut or a burger with no mayo and mustard as ordered were simply unreasonable. The military culture is that you are supposed to “embrace the suck” and just be happy you got a tuna fish sandwich even though you ordered a hot dog, and we happily make the best and most out of the worst situations. This is understandable/acceptable in the field or when deployed but NOT out in town.
I created FIOR to remind us all that after a hard day at work, whether you are a Marine, a Fireman, a teacher, a welder, etc. when you get home and want to unwind and relax, you should NOT settle for less. Relax, sip with family and friends, or be alone if you need to be, but sip something that recognizes you and thanks you for your efforts that day. You deserve FIOR.
What kind of drinks can Fior scotch make for a gathering or party that you recommend?
I prefer it neat but for a cocktail: FIOR, cold brew coffee and that’s it. KISS. Marines don’t have time for fancy stuff.
Are there any future Scotch concoctions that you will also be creating?
We have plans on bringing FIOR to the Dominican Republic where we will “finish” it in Dominican Rum barrels.

Fior Scotch has earned accolades since its 2023 inception, including double gold medals at the San Francisco World Spirits and New York World Spirits competitions. Fiior Scotch received a 93 rating at The New York International Spirits Competition, a gold medal from Santé Magazine, and a Platinum rating at the Ascot Awards.
Fior Scotch is available in New York, South Carolina, Texas, and Georgia stores. Distributors in Florida can order through LibDib, and distributors in Texas can order through Green Light Distribution. For more on Fior Scotch, please visit www.fiorscotch.com. To volunteer or donate to Operation Gratitude, please visit https://www.operationgratitude.com/.
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