( ENSPIRE Trending News ) Christina Aguilera Recalls Racist Treatment In The Entertainment Industry
In a Billboard page celebrating Latin recording artists, Christina Aguilera revealed she was advised to distance herself from her heritage before making it big. Christina stated “I remember when I was first coming up, there was a big debate around me on changing my last name because all the businessmen around me thought it was too long, too complicated, and too ethnic.”
Aguilera then went on to mention that one of the stage names that the label tried to pin on her was Christina Agee. Christina stated “That clearly wasn’t going to fly,” she said. “I was dead set against the idea and I wanted to represent who I really was. Being Latina, it’s a part of my heritage and who I am.” Aguilera said she was also advised to change her name to be legally adopted by her stepfather.

The vocalist’s folks separated from when she was only six, with Christina and her mom Shelly both denouncing her father, Ecuador-conceived Fausto Xavier Aguilera, with physical and psychological mistreatment. Shelly later remarried and Christina proceeded to have a staggeringly fruitful vocation dispatch with her self-named debut collection.
The vocalist’s parents separated when she was only six, with Christina and her mom Shelly both denouncing her father, Ecuador-conceived Fausto Xavier Aguilera, with physical and psychological mistreatment. Shelly later remarried and Christina proceeded to have a staggeringly fruitful career with her self-named debut album.

She grasped her legacy much more in 2000 with the arrival of her Spanish-language collection “Mi Reflejo,” for which she won a Latin Grammy for Best Female Pop Vocal Album.