( ENSPIRE She Did That ) Janelle Jones on Her Platform that Shapes Rising Entrepreneurs into Business Owners
ENSPIRE Contributor: Julia Postell
Even in the face of adversity, Janelle Jones pushed beyond her struggles and create something that would benefit many. Janelle’s creation of “Hustling Hotties” was designed specifically to benefit hustling single moms who were in the same situation as Janelle was once. While traveling the world and visiting over 15 countries with her two children, Jones was committed to forming a platform that inspired single mothers to grow their small ideas into big brands with the expertise and guidance of Janelle Jones.
Jones is passionate about devoting her time to women worldwide who do not have access to the proper marketing skills to pursue their visions. Her master’s degree in digital marketing and her strong work ethic has created a combination of success for many of her entrepreneurial clients. Once Janelle had successfully made $10K in 14 days of starting her business, she felt compelled to extend her efforts to other entrepreneurs. Janelle is a compassionate mentor who seeks to extend her marketing knowledge to upcoming entrepreneurs through her own agency Janelle and Co.

ENSPIRE spoke with Janelle about all the lessons she has learned through her time traveling and how this has aided her in a career in marketing:
Can you talk briefly about your background, where you first noticed a passion for marketing, and what made you want to start your own business?
I love to inspire. Marketing is a way to motivate people, and it allows me to touch people I don’t know. I started my business because I had a stressful job. I was so stressed at work that I got very sick. While on a leave of absence, I became well and started my first company. It was at this point that I became a full-time entrepreneur.
How did you start as a woman in an industry dominated by men? Did you receive any pushback?
I discovered that to succeed, you must work with and surround yourself with like-minded people who want to see me grow. I have a very niche target market and have created a community to serve that audience. For my business, I found support from women who are industry change makers and needed help with digital marketing. Several men complained since I only service women, they felt excluded.

How do you think your travel has allowed you to see new perspectives of the economy and how people spend their money around the world? How did your idea of budgeting and money play a part in your travels?
Travel has opened my eyes to what is possible. In America, we spend an excessive amount of money on unnecessary things. Since I travel, I like to stay on a strict budget. I use deal sites to book my flights and barter for lodging. I can also negotiate great deals because I take extended-stay trips. Travel can be affordable if planned correctly.
What advice would you give someone who wants to start out in marketing? What things have you learned along with how you believe has led you to succeed in marketing?
With marketing, you must do what feels natural and what you find enjoyable. Start doing everything that you can consistently and organically. Pick one type of marketing and stick with it. Take classes on sites like Udemy. Do A/B testing on everything that you do. Test different techniques and figure out what works, then stick with it.

Janelle Jones is an inspiration to all who aspire to be an entrepreneur or who have a vision and want to expand on it but don’t exactly know where to start. Janelle Jones emphasizes that with her starting platform, anything is possible with the many benefits in the world of marketing. Her knowledge and experience in marketing strategy and consulting are an extreme asset; Janelle Jones is a resource to anyone who has ambitions and is eager to shape them into success.
Follow Janelle Jones on social media: Facebook and her website
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